
Africa Angola Research Paper

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Africa is a continent rich with natural and mineral resources such as coal, gold, diamonds, timber, cocoa, Colton, iron, natural gas, zinc, coal, crude oil and many more, yet most of its countries are impoverished as people fight to survive.
The quality of life for the less privilege in some countries is less than a penny a week and people wonder why a great continent suffer immensely from hardship.
Africa is a continent that attracted European countries decades ago, who colonized various countries in Africa in search of gold, iron, zinc, diamond and especially crude oil. It is sad that most of these countries with natural resources still suffer immensely from lack of basic things such as clean water, light, cooking gas, good schools, roads, good health care etc. …show more content…

Angola was suffering as a result from a war that lasted 14 years which cost the economy to crumble. Angola became independent from Portugal after four decades resulting to a huge collapse of its economy. After decades of war, the country lacked an educational background and thus its leaders were uneducated that they ruled the country locally and could not manage funds.
In recent times, a lot of countries in Africa practice a federal system of government where a mandated person is elected and in power for four years, but will not leave power because of corruption and oppression, making it difficult to create a room for a change. Most presidents will remain in power for decade’s threatening its people, oppressing and creating division amongst its citizens, thus democracy is abused. Most times, the president of 80% of countries in Africa, divert funds for its state and country into their own personal accounts, leaving people to die of

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