
Cause and Effect - Teenage Employment

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Recession : Teenage Employment In recent years, the economic recession has taken a toll in our economy affecting both rich and poor families. High School students are having a difficult time finding a job as well. The oil prices are skyrocketing, home sales plummeting, retail stores falling, driving more teenagers than usual to look for employment. In the past, teenagers had a choice to work part-time or enjoying leisure time while receiving weekly allowances. Since most parents either lost their jobs or received pay-cuts from employers, their teen children are affected as well. In order to recover the necessities they once had, they must find a job. “It is impossible to quantify how many affluent parents have trimmed allowances in …show more content…

Sumit Pal, 17, a senior said his parents cut his $5 weekly allowance and doesn’t mind losing his allowance either as it will contribute towards other things, like groceries”(Foderaro 978). Once summer arrives, teens will wonder what to do with their time. Are they going to bypass the benefits of employment, or having an interest in finding a part/full time position? Anyone who has the ability to do so in such a difficult economy would be irrational not to do so. The experience and earnings as a young employee will contribute to their future even if it is not that evident right away. It is important for teens to be employed to understand the concept of job responsibilities. “Dress codes, rules, punctuality, and being teachable is enrichment in itself, Mrs. Neiser said. You’re contributing to the economy, your contributing to your personal economy and picking up skill sets and habits that will prepare you for full-time employment” (979 Foderaro). It is never too early or too late to start establishing a job resume. This is foremast true for employers hiring them for the first time and starting to have the urge for money in their pockets at sixteen years old. A summer job will help teens stay out of trouble and become productive at the same time. Playing video games and waking up late may be fun for most, but it’s not a great idea to spend the entire summer, especially during the economic recession. By seeking employment, a teen will soon understand

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