
Growing Up In Poverty In The United States

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“In the United States, child poverty rates are higher than rates for the adult and elderly populations.” (Katherine Magnuson and Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal 1) As poverty rates increase, more children are involved. Children, uninfluenced by the evils of the world, are pushed by these harsh living conditions and treated unfairly by others. Growing up in poverty can lead to lasting effects, and those effects include education issues, physical health is proven worse, and inadequate behavior. As an adult, these issues can turn into whether or not survival is promised. Adolescence is difficult enough, but if you add the stress of not being able to afford basic necessary items, times are tough. The parent’s job is to make sure bills are paid and that food is on the table. Sometimes, focusing on making sure everything is in check is labelled more important than schooling, unfortunately. “Lower SES children are less successful in school (Duncan , Ziol-Guest, & Kalil, 20 I 0;), they are more likely to fail tests, fail courses, and drop out of school compared to higher SES children …show more content…

One of the biggest issues is neglection, being demanding, and overall expecting them to be at their best because the parents do not want the child to end up like them. “Examples of over-regulation of one's environment might be a parent or guardian micromanaging their child's life, demanding perfect grades, or demanding perfection in other areas of their child's life (i.e. cleanliness or manners). Under-regulation of one's environment may consist of a parent or guardian showing little or no concern about the child or their welfare. Overregulation and underregulation can be stressful.” (Meyer 11) Demanding children of more than they can achieve applies stress and mood swings. That can lead to not obeying laws and commands from a boss. Being impolite to an employer causes unemployment, and that gives unnecessary stress onto the entire

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