
Cause And Effect On Climate Change

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Climate change and the impact it will have on the Earth are a real and increasing cause of concern. Rising sea levels and sea temperatures, increases in the frequency of extreme weather events and increased acidity in the ocean are some of the things that will have a devastating impact on human agriculture. Unless something is done to change these things, lesser developed countries; many and most of which are majority Islamic, will face food shortages, disease and famine, resulting in people displacement, mass refugees and death. Islam is practised worldwide, majority of those countries where the Islamic faith is practised, are poorly developed countries.
On top of this the world’s population already having over 6 billion people, with 2 billion estimated to be living without basic life needs, is growing at around 75 million annually. Agriculture must be top priority with the growing risks of climate change and the growing population. Agriculture is currently already under immense pressure to deliver higher yields with population growth and higher demands for consumers. The future of population growth and climate change will see the need for even more supply from agricultural products to deliver for people worldwide. Climate change will make this a far more difficult task to accomplish. The demand for agricultural products is expected to increase by around 50% by 2030. Climate change may potentially slow down or reverse the progress toward a world without hunger.

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