Abortion, the direct and deliberate killing of an unborn human being, has been a major problem and moral issue for thousands of years. As technology advances and respect for human life continues to drop significantly, it is important to inform everyone of the truth about abortion. The Catholic Church teaches that abortion, under any circumstance, is a grave sin and a violation of human dignity that every person, born or unborn, possesses. Through evidence and research done by many authoritative figures, learning about the true side to abortion can be easy to accesses and is clearly explained. However, it is up to those against, supporting, or considering abortion to find out this truth in order to live according to the church and to be happy.
Abortion is a controversial topic that has led to many arguments. Many people believe that abortion is permissible and others believe that it is impermissible. The anti-abortionists argue that the fetus is a person so it is immoral to kill an innocent person. On the other hand, the pro-choicer argue that the fetus is not considered as a person. In the article, “Why Abortion is Immoral” Don Marquis argues why abortion is wrong.
The subject of abortion is not only a moral obligation, but also an intellectual calling to raise the awareness of its pro and anti-calling. It is no doubt that the moral obligation of an adult is to safeguard life, protect it, and preserve its sanctity. Don Marquis (1989) in his article Why Abortion is Immoral, presents an extensive argument against the morality of abortion citing the potential of the fetus and its capability to be recognized as a being. As such, Marquis firmly believes that abortion is a wrong act and must be banned and condemned in a moral society. The perspective also supports his argument that killing humans is morally wrong.
Abortion is one of the most controversial social, religious and political topics of our times. The government and church debate on this issue and people differ in opinions depending on their sex and faith and agendas. It is quite scary and disturbing. Every year we fight to win this war against abortion through awareness and support. God is on our side and the babies’ sides. With hope and love we can stop this awful killing, follow our faith, and protect the lives of our
Ask anyone what the number one debated topic in the world is today and you are almost guaranteed to hear “abortion”. It isn’t hard to imagine why this topic would leave such a bitter taste in some people’s mouths. Infants, and moreover children in general, are almost a form of an idol in our culture. The pure and innocent natures of children make the people around them, or at least most of them, fall head over heels in love with them. When someone decides to terminate a pregnancy, not only is it a huge setback to our culture, but our moral and ethical beliefs as well. This issue, unfortunately, is not a one size fits all scenario. Many situations can be considered when talking about the issue of abortion. Throughout this paper, I will be reflecting on the matter of abortion from my own personal perspective in general, in cases of rape, poor quality of life, eminent danger to child and/or mother, and incest.
Abortion is a very controversial topic, but today, many statistics show that the Pro-Choice movement is gaining more and more popularity. However, Catholics can have faith that the Catholic Church’s Pro-Life stance shows God’s mercy. It proves how God is merciful to unborn humans, mothers considering abortion, and to all the people of the world. We can have more confidence in our choice for Pro-Life knowing that we are righteous because God believes in life for everyone.
The Teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and Their Influence on People's Views on Abortion
All these evidence backs up the catholic church’s believe of abortion is a gravely wrong in any circumstance and that God created human being and for that we must respect and treat all the human being which includes fetus as a human equally and fairly because the human life begins at the moment of conception. Also abortion is a way of murder of an innocent life and this is going against Gods words as one the ten commandments is clearly tells “you shall not kill”. For Christians murder is once and for all forbidden; so even the child in the womb, it is not lawful for us to destroy. It makes no difference whether destroying a life after the birth or before the birth. The Christians upheld the rights of the life of the unborn child,
Abortion has been a controversial subject for centuries across the globe. Although the fetus may not be scientifically a human being, there is budding humanity within it; and hence trying to terminate fetus must be considered as criminal offense of killing a human being. Not many of the world’s population have realized the effects caused by the abortion and its impacts on the society. Abortion is considered to be immoral crime affecting not only the mother but also the family, the community, and most significantly the fetus.
Most Christians believe that the Bible is the word of God. Since they believe this, and since they believe the Bible is true, many Christians take a biblical worldview position on the issue of abortion. Christians value God’s commandments in the Bible. They believe the Bible tells them what is right and what is wrong. Since Christians hold the Bible to be their moral standard, that life begins at conception, and that murder is wrong in the Bible, their value judgement is that abortion is morally wrong. They take the moral stance that the Bible has religious authority from God and that they should follow that authority and use it to make decisions on what is right and wrong.
no one has the right to take away the right to life, but they also
Mormons and Catholic’s both have different views on abortion. Although, they are both part of the Christian denomination they do not have the same ethical views of abortion.
it is seen as a new life. Therefore, it would be true to say that
The essay has been arranged in four subsections biblical, medical, legal and philosophical arguments against abortion. Exemplification techniques through the use of facts and statistics is used to emphasize the point that author is trying to make. The author uses many logos techniques very effectively, often to make a point about the fetus being alive and being able to feel pain even at very early stages of life, so should not be destroyed. An example of this is seen in the line "If heartbeat was used to define life, then nearly all abortions would be outlawed" the deductive reasoning used makes conclusions about the fact that life exist even as a fetus and thus abortion is actually death of the fetus.
Abortion is defined as a deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. There are two methods of performance: the medical abortion, through the form of pills, or a surgical abortion, which requires an operation. In the earlier stages of a pregnancy, women tend to prefer the more natural method in the use of pills however, it is more common for many women to receive a vacuum aspiration through a professional procedure. In 1995, Pope John Paul II declared that abortion is a grave moral disorder, since it is the deliberate killing of an innocent
“Parents’ respect and affection are expressed by the care and attention they devote to bringing up their young children and providing for their physical and spiritual needs.” This is an excerpt from the Catholic Catechism that poses an interesting question, what does it mean for a parent to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of their child? Some may say that it is teaching their children how they should think, act, and promote themselves in society, while others may say that it is allowing their children to have the freedom to grow up and experiment with what they want from their life both within a religion and out of one. The Mormon, Buddhism, and Catholicism religions however have a united definition for what it means for a parent