
Case Summary: Billy Mitchell The Visionary Of A Dominant Air Power

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WILLIAM “BILLY” MITCHELL VISIONARY BUT UNETHICAL MSgt Jonathan Brannon SNCOA 19 May 2016 Instructor: MSgt Mikal Dantley William “Billy” Mitchell the Visionary of a Dominant Air Power In order to change the world you must have a vision, what you do does not require it to be ethical. William “Billy” Mitchell was visionary and unethical leader. He portrayed this by seeing the potential for a sole service dedicated to strictly air power but he demonstrated unethical tactics with his attack of our sister services. “To develop anything, the underlying thought and reason must govern, and then the organization must be built up to meet it.” (William “Billy” Mitchell’s Air Power, n.d.). Billy Mitchell would prove to be a visionary by foreseeing …show more content…

He did this through diversity; stating that “worse than anything else, the naval air forces are tied up to the navy on the water and the army air forces are tied up to the army on the land-neither is made to think that its main mission is the air and that it must keep itself free from encumbrances on land or sea”. (Lt Col Johnny R. Jones, 1997). William Mitchell used organizational/structural diversity to move this process along. According to Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCCE] (2016) “Diversity is organizational/institutional background characteristics affecting interaction, including Service, component, and occupation/career field”. He noted the fact that we cannot operate as a nation without a separate Air Power. Air Power will be the future of the country, and I agree. We have the power to reach out and touch all nations without the constraints of land or …show more content…

According to Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCCE] (2016) Organizational change” includes leading/managing changes to organizational culture, unit level processes, environment, responsibilities, and policies/procedures.” How did Billy Mitchell do this? He promoted a diverse atmosphere by pushing for a unified control of air power by using the experiences of the Army Air Power and the Naval Air Power. Asking…what did we learn from being a separate power? He moved individuals through the use of demonstration. He used cognitive flexibility to create a belief that we should consider what might go wrong and accept that just because it is different it isn’t wrong. Billy used dispositional flexibility to acknowledge that we should visualize a better future. Mitchell substantiated these claims by sinking the former German warship Ostrfiesland in 21 minutes with aerial bombardment. He spoke to the many uses of air power; the advantages to strike behind enemy lines. He pushed for the use of air power to strike ammunition dumps, airfields, and supply

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