
Case Study Of Volkswagen

Decent Essays

BBUS 489 | Professor Keskin | Case 3: Volkswagen
Define Acronyms BPTO, DBC, ITSC, PMO, NRG, and explain.
In order to understand and process the case, we have to review a few acronyms heavily used. BPTO is the “Business Process, Technology and Organization” internal IT department created by Dr. Uwe Matulovic, the chief information officer (CIO) of Volkswagen of America
(VWoA). This new department composed of 23 people to engage “chief firefighter” roles in which they doused flames. A Project Management Office (PMO) also helps with efforts by prioritizing and planning prior to project execution phases, with maintenance in the form of required weekly status reports and monthly budget reviews.
A Digital Business Council (DBC) works to categorize projects and assess their business impact. The DBC is composed of representatives from the eBusiness teams. Along with these teams are the ITSC, which is the IT “steering committee” composed of senior business and IT representatives. This committee guides and approves processes related to IT project selection and prioritization. Another organizational program is the “Next Round of Growth” (NRG) made to focus on defining goals, functions, and organizational changes. Putting all of these different teams and initiatives together, CIO Matulovic and VWoA were able to define and support the new business strategy.
What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of
America? Is the criticism justified? Is it an

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