
Case Study Of Sweet Jelly Kiss Shakes And Cakes

Decent Essays


The performance and decision in day to day management plays an important role that can affect the present and future standing of the corporation that either leads to success or failure of the corporation.
The ability to manage the business is an index of good management which not only ensures profits for its owners but also assures continues operation.

Forms of Business Enterprise

Sweet Jelly Kiss Shakes & Cakes is a partnership to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with the same name. The proponents chose this name because it is easy to recall and very much akin to the product we will sell. The partnership will be registered with other government agencies such as the Department of …show more content…

100,000.00 Personal Savings
Cadiang. Cherrmaine Php. 100,000.00 Personal Savings
Despabiladeras, Lea Php. 100,000.00 Personal Savings

Php. 500,000.00

The proponents decided that two partners contribute Php. 50,000.00 each because of their financial incapacity.

Background of Key Personnel The key personnel are the backbone of the enterprise. Since, Sweet Jelly Kiss Shakes & Cakes will be a new start up, only the most fundamental position should be occupied. The first batch of key personnel should be intensively scrutinized and extensively trained. In the next page are the numbers of personnel to be hired.

Position No. of Employees to be hired

Manager 1
Pastry Chef 1
Cashier 1
Service Crew 1
Utility Man …show more content…

The Cashier is responsible with managing the counter and maintaining monthly, weekly and daily report of sales transactions. To cater the incomparable service Sweet Jelly Kiss will hire an experienced Pastry Chef, hardworking Service Crew and Utility Man. The Pastry Chef will also perform administrative duties such as preparing budgets and ordering supplies for pastry making. The Service Crew is to make sure each customer gets their order taken and that they receive their food, and that the customer leaves the store satisfied with the service they got. Utility Man was responsible for daily maintenance and repair issues of the store. The flow of the information will be top-to-bottom which signifies that the information will be coming from the Manager down to the Pastry Chef, Cashier, Service Crew and Utility Man.

Figure 2.1

Sweet Jelly Kiss (Shakes & Cakes)

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