
Case Study Of E-Commerce

Better Essays

About eCommerce in India
The scenario of eCommerce in India is still at nascent stage. At present, the success of E-Commerce relies heavily on the internet and mobile phone revolution which is expected to tranform the way products reach their customers. In countries like the US and China, e-commerce has already made substantial gains by achieving sales of over 150 billion USD in revenue. However, the industry in India is, still at its infancy. In spite of this, over the last few years, E-Commerce has grown considerably by over 35% CAGR from 3.8 billion USD in 2009 to around 12.6 billion USD in 2013.
Ecommerce deals with the buying and selling of goods and services over an electronic platform, mainly the internet. These business transactions are categorized into differrent models based on who the consumer is. …show more content…


Many challenges identified during the project required changes at the overall website wide level which was unfeasible to implement due to the organizational constraints which was a major setback as the project objective which was to increase conversion rate was linked to a number of aspects in the value chain and inability to change the obvious problems poses serious future sustainability threats to the organization. This was a major limitation and was conveyed to the manager.
IV. Suggestion for Future Research

There is a need to emphasise on promoting Snapdeal as a brand to improve customer loyalty. In the age of predatory pricing and heavy discounts, there is little or no differentiation on the pricing or on the product differentiation side.
So, it becomes vital to promote Snapdeal as a wholesome brand which people would like to relate themselves with. Hence, it is time we start portraying it as a well rounded company. Here are a few initiatives

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