IDC MarketScape: “U.S. Healthcare Provider Clinical and Financial Analytics Standalone Platform Vendor Assessment, doc #HI255139, April 2015.” named Explorys as the leader among the 12 vendors that were evaluated (Figure 3). Explorys [4] is a secure, cloud-based analytics platform that leverages big data for clinical integration, predictive analytics, and business intelligence. It has been adopted by 26 major integrated healthcare networks with 315 billion data elements, 50 million unique cared-for-lives, 360 hospitals, and 317,000 providers who collectively deliver $69B in care annually.
Unit 2 was driving eastbound in the left lane of 167th St. between Orchard Ridge Ave. and Anthony Ave. in Hazel Crest, IL. Unit 2's approximate speed was 35 miles per hour. A large puddle of water had formed from a very recent rain. It covered the right lane and part of the left lane. The driver of Unit 2 noticed the puddle and proceeded to slow down to a speed of approximately 20 miles per hour. The driver of Unit 2 then noticed Unit 1 coming from behind in the right lane at a high rate of speed. Unit 1 tried to avoid the puddle without slowing down and impacted Unit 2. Unit 1 was pushed back into the right lane. Unit 2 was pushed off of the left side of the road onto the slightly raised median. The front and left side of Unit 1 was severly
I do not understand how can someone see people be treated the way patients at Willow brook were treated and no do anything about it. Patients at Willow brook were suffering. Seen their families talk about what they went thru made me very sad. I do not blame the parents for taking their sons/daughter to this facility. They did what they thought was right. They probably never imagined that this was going to happen. They took their children there thinking they were going to get help and get the right treatment. Thankfully some of them were taken from their families just in time, before something worst happen. The students and their parents, they were all victims of the inhumane way they were treated at Willow brook.
Scenario: John is a 4 year-old boy who was admitted for chemotherapy following diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). He had a white blood cell count of 250,000. Clinical presentation included loss of appetite, easily bruised, gum bleeding, and fatigue. Physical examination revealed marked splenomegaly, pale skin color, temperature of 102°F, and upper abdomen tenderness along with nonspecific arthralgia.
Just following up on our discussion on Friday regarding Which agencies should be memo billed VS direct billed in FY 15-16. One of the action items from that meeting was you will confirm with DOB that all funds identified for FY 15-16 for ITS was already received. Please let me know the status, so I can schedule a follow up meeting to finalize this
The larger group is the placed students. The table shows that this group has 133, represented as N= 133, whereas the continuing students had n=31. The number of placed students is 100 more than the continuing students.
S: YMR stated that she had been living with her mother about one year, has is a newcomer. YMR lived with her maternal grandmother for many years back in her country. YMR stated that when she arrived to the U.S., she found out that her mother was pregnant, She shared that her mother did not want to tell her because she did not know how the client was going to react. YMR stated that she was happy because her mother had had four miscarries before. YMR explained that almost at the same time that she started living with her mother, the mother's partner and father of the child that her mother was going to have moved into her home. YMR stated that her mom used to work from 6am-12pm and the YMR spent a lot of time with her mother's partner. YMR stated that this man has
Kenny is a teenager who has experienced uncontrollable bodily and facial movements, various uncontrolled vocalizations, and other compulsions such as excessive hand washing and wringing. He has been treated with Clonidine, Haldol, pimozide and buspirone. This patient was diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome. Clonidine is a vasodilator that allows for blood to flow more easily to the brain. This lowers blood pressure and helps treat the tics the patient experiences(1). Haldol and Pimozide are antipsychotics that blocks dopamine receptors in the brain. This would help treat the compulsive behaviors (2). Buspirone is used to treat anxiety disorders. It binds to serotonin receptors in
Southwestern University: F The recent success of Southwestern University’s football program is causing SWU’s president, Joel Wisner, more problems than he faced during the team’s losing era in the early 1990s. For one thing, increasing game-day attendance is squeezing the town of Stephenville, Texas and the campus. Complaints are arising over parking, seating, concession prices, and even a shortage of programs at some games. Dr. Wisner, once again, turns to his stadium manager, Hank Maddux. This time, he needs a guaranteed revenue stream to help fuel the stadium expansion. One source of income could easily be the high-profit game programs. Selling for $6 each, programs are a tricky business. Under substantial pressure from
Discuss the four components of corporate social responsibility and how they relate to a charitable campaign such as (Product) RED. How does participation in a cause-marketing event contribute to a company's social responsibility? What role does sustainability play?
This type of research is very valuable. This type of research is the most accurate and best way to fully understand the virus. It may be time consuming but it is the best way to study the virus.
You are working in the internal medicine clinic of a large teaching hospital. Today your first patient is 70-year-old J.M, a man who has been coming to the clinic for several years for management of CAD and HTN. A cardiac catheterization done a year ago showed 50% stenosis of the circumflex coronary artery. He has had episodes of dizziness for the past 6 months and orthostatic hypotension, shoulder discomfort, and decreased exercise tolerance for the past 2 months. On his last clinic visit 3 weeks ago, a CXR showed cardiomegaly and a 12-lead ECG showed sinus tachycardia with left bundle branch block. You review his morning blood work and initial assessment.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy or endoscopy – where they take a camera and look through your mouth down into your stomach; or a camera that goes in your rectum that looks through your bowel and intestines?
S.R is a 69-year old man who presents to the clinic because his “wife complains that his snoring is difficult to live with.”
In reading the first article Coach Knight: The Will to Win, I found the article found Coach Knight to be very offensive and mean to his players. Coach Knight did not display good leadership skills. According to the article, Coach Knight’s drive and passion for excellence was not always received as well as his record of wins and losses Snook, Per low, Delacey, 2005).
Tale servizio, offerto da Tyring, prevede la sostituzione del battistrada consumato con del materiale nuovo,