
Case Study-Abnormal Behavior

Decent Essays

Case Study in Abnormal Behavior
Valvita Isaac
April 4, 2011
Dr. Melda Jones

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper, which was produced for the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. I further declare that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. This paper includes no trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include. I further agree that my name typed on …show more content…

Dahmer had a fascination with the human skull. He would kill his victims, and keep their skulls as souvenirs (Creekmore, 2007).
Biological Components Jeffrey Dahmer had a fairly normal life. His father and mother both worked, and they were considered middle class. As a young boy Dahmer was a bubbly, energetic individual. It didn’t seem that he could harm anyone, but by his teen years all of this changed. Jeffrey became isolated, antisocial, and non – identifying with other people (Creekmore, 2007). Dahmer was an alcoholic, which is a known disease that passes down through genetics from generation to generation. Jeffrey Dahmer’s grandfather was an alcoholic. His alcoholism was passed onto his grandson, and no one knows if the alcoholism had a link to his fascination of killing or performing weird acts on his victims. Jeffrey also came from a normal family that was not infested with criminals. He was the only one that had committed such violent, manipulative, and conniving acts (Creekmore, 2007).
Emotional Components Jeffrey Dahmer experienced an emotional shut down. He was isolated, antisocial, and withdrawn. Dahmer was without compassion, and numb to the human race. Jeffrey experienced a lonely life. As a child Jeffrey Dahmer was diagnosed with a hernia. He had to undergo an operation. Dahmer was four years old when he was diagnosed.

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