
Case Study: A Separate Complicative Form For Orientation

Decent Essays


Name: ___________________ Address:____________________ Date Issued: _______________
Your request for ______________________has been approved under the conditions and specifications of this permit, and the Installation/Alteration Request you submitted. You may proceed as soon as you return to the office a signed copy of this permit agreeing to all the specifications and responsibilities (a copy is included for your records). Please remember to contact the office and arrange for inspection(s) as outlined in this permit.

Prior to beginning the alteration/installation, the member(s) must call the office and schedule an inspection to determine if the structural or other conditions …show more content…

Additional specific requirements, such as requirements for using a licensed contractor, may be included and must be followed (see Section VI).

Section II: Continuing Member Responsibility

1. The alteration/installation must be removed and the area restored or replaced to its original condition at the current members expense, if the member(s) fails to properly maintain its appearance, safeness, and structural soundness. All expenses incurred in the assembly, maintenance, repair or removal of the alteration/installation shall be the responsibility of the current member(s) of record. This includes any repairs that might result from the cooperative’s need to access any part of the alteration/installation area.

Section III: Cooperative Responsibility

The maintenance and service of the alteration/installation is the sole responsibility of the current and any future member(s). The cooperative will only be responsible for necessary repairs resulting solely from negligent damage by the cooperative’s staff or its contractors during a non-emergency situation where neither repairs nor access were necessary. In no event will the cooperative be responsible for any damage to the personal belongings or alteration/installations of the resident that may be damaged by water, sewer, or other systems …show more content…

The requested alteration/installation must be completed within six months of the cooperative approval. If the work is not completed within this time frame, the member(s) must resubmit their request.

2. The member(s) is responsible for contacting the cooperative office within 2 weeks of the completion of the alteration/installation to arrange for the final inspection. It is the responsibility of the member(s) to schedule the cooperative management’s pre-installation and post-installation inspections as well as any building or mechanical or electrical inspections required by the city. A copy of any completed building, mechanical or electrical permits required must be supplied to the office and will become a permanent record of the townhouse.

3. The member(s) must sign a copy of the final permit when issued to indicate understanding and compliance with the conditions and specifications. The permit must be returned to the office with any other supporting documentation before work can begin.

Section VI: Special Requirements Section
The Buildings and Grounds Committee and/or the Board of Directors reserve this Section for any special requirements including but not limited to requirements for using a licensed

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