A second case in which shows police brutality was the one the case in Cornelia, Georgia on May 28, 2014. A toddler was injured when the SWAT team broke into their home and threw a flash grenade. The family was asleep at the time. The SWAT team receives an anonymous tip alerting them about a supposed drug deal (Wolverton II 34). The SWAT team did not even look inside before breaking in and throwing the flash grenade without consent or warning. Is there not a protocol for them to check whether the anonymous calls are authentic or false? If the SWAT team immediately reacts every time there is a call involving drugs then one would assume they would check first if the information given is actually true. Sadly, there are people who call 911 to hoax
Over the past several years, and especially now in the past two years, innocent black men are being killed every day by police officers. More often than not, see news headlines of more and more black lives being taken. Innocent lives being taken by officers who serve little to no justice. Eric Garner, Alton Sterling, and Philando Castile are only just a few names on the long and growing list of the black victims of police brutality. Police officers should be held more accountable in cases against police brutality so the list of innocent black lives doesn’t keep growing.
Some horrific cases have happened throughout the years. Brining these cases to the public’s attention will help show how much of a problem police brutality really is. Police brutality is the use of force that is exceeding the necessary amount of force (“Police Brutality,” n.d.). In 2011, a 37 year old mentally ill homeless man was laying on the ground when police were kicking and punching him eventually leading to his death (Akkoc, 2018). In 2014, Eric Garner an African American male was being arrested for selling loose cigarettes when he was wrestled to the ground by a New York police officer who had him in a banned chokehold technique (Akkoc, 2018). Eric Garner told him, “I can’t breathe (Akkoc, 2018, Sec. 5)” multiple times, but the officer
There has always been a common assumption from the police and society that minorities, primarily African Americans, are associated with criminal activity, in turn causing police brutality today. When the news report shows a police officer hitting a black man who was suspected of a crime, there are many people quick to point out police officers as racists. Usually, the police officers would say something along the lines of, “He attacked first and would not comply,” or “I thought he had a gun.” Now in some scenarios, this may be true as the suspect might have tried to fight back but most of the time, it is not. Many police officers in these cases try to make up lies to get out being known as a racist. Thankfully, there are many witnesses and
In America, crime is a huge topic. However, many don't realize that race plays a big role in crime as well, or they choose to ignore that fact. It's important to realize the injustices that take place in crime due to race, and how many laws would likely be changed if we were forced to realize that and make every race a priority.
Victims of police brutality may pursue court cases against the city employing their abusers. These cases do not always work out in favor of the alleged victims. Michael Brown, unarmed 18-year-old was shot dead by Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson. Brown had his hands up when he was shot and killed. Charges against the officers dropped. At times, an entire culture or race may feel victimized by police brutality. When police officers beat Rodney King, 25, it sparked a national controversy. The police officers that beat King were acquitted of all charges, sparking riots in Los Angeles, where civil unrest over racial profiling reached its boiling point. The riots resulted in the “deaths of 53 people” (Gray, 2016, p.
The poor man lurches towards the nest, a blood trail left by the cut in his foot wanders behind the fellow. His stomach stirs up in a fit, he hasnt eaten in a few days. Footsteps echo throughout the corridor, drowsey the man confuses his own footsteps for those of the creature that defends this cavern. A cold air grazes his neck as he waits to see if the his ears have mistaken something else for the creatures footstep, all is silent only his breath pierces the air. A pidder padder rears it head, the sound of clomping crashes into the man 's eardrums as he begins to shake in fear. Chilled to his core he anticipates the worst, but yet in a surprising relief the
The article “Black Lives and Blue Lives Matter” by Bryant Alston shows and represents the importance of black lives just like any other, police brutality, also showing how no matter the color of one’s skin, it should not affect one in a negative way or agitate others to want to look over one just because a person of color seemed as a more ‘fitting’ person for such a crime instead of other non-black, or non-hispanic, person. I completely agree with Bryant Alston’s perspective on those cases, which regard race and ethnicity.
In recent years and in light of recent tragedies, police actions, specifically police brutality, has come into view of a large, public and rather critical eye. The power to take life rests in the final stage of the criminal justice system. However, the controversy lies where due process does not. While the use of deadly force is defined and limited by departmental policies, it remains an act guided chiefly by the judgment of individual officers in pressure situations. (Goldkamp 1976, 169). Many current studies have emphasized the racial disparities in minority deaths, primarily black Americans, killed by police through means of deadly force. The history of occurrences reveals the forlorn truth that police reforms only receive attention in wake of highly publicized episodes of police misconduct. The notorious 1992 Los Angeles riots brought the matter to mass public attention and prompted improved law enforcement policy. Significant local reforms resulted, for instance, ending the policy of lifetime terms for police chiefs. Additionally, on a broader platform, in 1994, Congress approved provisions to the Crime Control Act in effort to tackle police abuse in a more structured way.
Over the recent years, police have been one of the organizations to be associated with the largest cases of misconduct. Police brutality can be termed as the process of misuse and abuse of authority by the police. The rising cases of police brutality are causing more harm to the public, compared to the actions perpetrated by real criminals. Although police claim that it’s sometimes necessary to curb crime, the process is illegal and police officers should be charged just like any other criminal offender. It should be the responsibility of the justice system to establish effective strategies to deal with the rising illegal activities in order to restore public trust in the law
As of September 1, 2015, in the United States police officers have killed 776 people and 161 of those people were unarmed at the time of their death (MintPress). There have been too many incidents where police officers have injured or killed someone that could have been prevented. Using maximum force with a suspect has become a routine in many confrontations. Officers have not been given the proper training to deal with individuals and how to handle them without using a weapon. If they were given more training on how to deal with situations resulting in using a weapon to stop an individual during certain scenarios police brutality situations would decrease, lives would be saved, and police would get their good reputation back. However, police departments would have to spend more money on re-training. Some people agree with police brutality and think that a civilian deserved their punishment, which is not right because no one deserves to be beaten or killed. Situations involving police brutality have been increasing throughout the years, which is a problem that must to be solved.
Recently police have come under fire for the deaths of many unarmed African American males. This has broken the trust between civilians and police and torn our country apart. People are frustrated about the killings of unarmed citizens and how it seems every officer can get away with killing an unarmed suspect. Back in 1994 a law was passed that required the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to record date on police involved shooting and deaths by police officers. Except where are the numbers that would show there is an increase in unarmed African American deaths from police officers?
Every person should have equal rights and opportunities not based on their ethnicity, race, or culture. There are countrywide issues that have lead to racial injustice. In recent discussions on racial injustice, one major issue has been the many cases of police brutality and hate crimes against minorities. Many falsely accused people are being incarcerated simply based on the color of their skin or how they look. Racism has been a huge part of Americas past and will continue to be a part of our history as time progresses. It is our history itself that keeps racism in America regrettably alive. It is what has shaped our society today. The actions of unlawful police officers have been presented through media. By revealing the problems with our law enforcement this has allowed the public to see the roots of this issue. There are many factors that contribute to the issue of police brutality, they are all derived from the roots of the tree of our history. It is time that people take a stand against hate crimes such as police brutality.
Police brutality has always been there, and it is something that is still occurs and affects us all over the world, it affects our communities, and us in the way we live, our futures and our upcoming generations. Police brutality is manly a case where police are chosen to protect us from ourselves, and the public, but unfortunately this is ironically lost and diluted in police minds due to being power hungry, controlling, and in most cases disregarding human rights and violating them.
“If an officer intentionally fires a gun in Montgomery County, Maryland – even if no one is hit or hurt – the police department posts a detailed description of the circumstances on its home page, usually within 24 hours. It is policy. (McCarthy 2015).” In other places, the police do not report incidents of police brutality because transparency is not required in the department. It is not in the police department’s interest to publicize police brutality incidents.
Police brutality is the use of excessive and unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality can be present in many ways. The most common form of police brutality is a physical form. Police officers can use nerve gas, batons, pepper spray, and guns in order to physically intimidate or even intentionally hurt civilians. Police brutality can also take the form of false arrests, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, police corruption, racial profiling, political repression and the improper use of Tasers. Black people are mostly affected by white cops. Cops are given a lot of scope in performing their obligations. Since they are relied upon to ensure general society and stand up to possibly rough people, they can lawfully utilize physical, and even fatal, power in specific situations. Be that as it may, an officer who uses power when it is not called for, or who utilizes more constraints than is important to perform his or her occupation, may go too far into police ruthlessness. Police brutality should be controlled and stopped because its getting out of hand and is killing our African American youth.