
Carmon: A Narrative Fiction

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“Okay, so I know you don’t think all this was my fault! Because if you do, you’re sadly mistaken! I mean don’t get me wrong, most of it was on me, but you played a part in this too!”
“How!” She yelled slightly.
“Come on Carmon, let’s keep it real. If you just would have kept your nose where it belonged, then we would have been good.”
“Wow, I don’t believe you. Here I am trying to be a good friend and you’re basically giving me your ass to kiss. I was only looking out for you and your marriage. If you couldn’t see that, then our friendship was a complete waste of time over the last ten years!” Carmon got up from the table and walked out. As she walked out of the restaurant, I just buried my head into the palm of my hand. As I looked up I saw …show more content…

That’s just how I was feeling at the time. Of course our friendship wasn’t a waste of time. I love you girl. I don’t want to fight anymore!”
“I don’t either!” I said as we both stood up and hugged. We sat back down and ordered our food. While we were waiting for our food, we caught up on what we have been missing in each other life while we were apart.
“So what’s been up? I asked with a smile on my …show more content…

“What kind a dress?”
“A wedding dress!” Carmon shouted with joy.
“What!” I screamed as well.
“Yep, Alex asked me three weeks ago.”
“Oh my God! I’m so happy for the both of you!” I said.
“Thank you. Now that we are back to normal, I want to ask you something!”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Will you be my matron of honor?” I started to feel my eyes swell up as I said, “Of course I will!
“Good, now enough about me, what’s been going on in your life?” Carmon asked as she folded her arms.
“Well first off I think you will be happy to know that I broke things off with Vaughn!” Her action wasn’t what I thought it should be. She sat there in silence for a while, then said,
“Because he was getting too attached, I mean he was doing boyfriend like things. Like bringing me roses to my office and to top it all, he brought me a brand new car!” After I said that Carmon eyes got big as she said,
“What the fuck!”
“That’s what I said!”
“I hope you didn’t keep it!”
“HELL NO, what do I look like, Boo Boo The Fool. I gave it back to him. I couldn’t keep that car because if I did, I wouldn’t have known how to explain it to

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