
Career Interest Inventory Vs. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

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Career Thoughts Inventory When examining the appropriate tools to assess a client in mental health and medical health requires assessment tools such as x-rays, blood test, and vital signs. However, when assessments are done in mental health various instruments are devised to help assess the assessment process. In career, counselling instruments are designed to measure the framework, such as cogitative information that processes a client’s mental readiness, and ability to make decisions (Capuzzi, & Stauffer, 2012). Therefore, instruments such as self-administered, and self-scored is utilized in the progress. Instrument Selection The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI), are the two instruments that resonate with the most. The Strong Interest Inventory is an advanced self-administered online inventory that assesses career interest. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator(MBTI), is another type of inventory that correlates with the Jungian Theory. This too is self -administering reporting questionnaire designed to evaluate the psychological preferences and how they make perceive the world and make decisions. (Donnay, Morris, Schaubhut, Thompson, Grutter, & Hammer, 2012). Using these inventory instruments would allow the counselor to get a complete overview of both …show more content…

This instrument is divided into four dimensions of the test report to measure the following dichotomous preferences: Judgment-Perception (JP), coming to a conclusion about something or becoming aware of something; Thinking-Feeling (TF), arriving at judgments by impersonal and logical or by subjective processes; Sensation-Intuition (SN), perceiving directly through the five senses or indirectly by way of the unconscious; and Extraversion-Introversion (EI), orienting toward the outer world of people and things or the inner world of concepts and ideas (Biggs &Biggs,

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