Career Choice
An anesthesiologist is typically known as the forgotten hero. These heros deliver anesthetics to patients who undergo surgery. Since I was a little girl, I’ve wanted to follow my mom’s footsteps in the medical field. My mom has consistently told me stories about working in the emergency room, and the incredible things that happen behind the scenes of a medical worker. Recently, I have volunteered my time to the Cleveland Clinic hospital in assisting patients with comfort and attention. Seeing the smile on someone’s face is a reward in itself, and giving to others is something I plan on continuing in my future, and hopefully career. I’ve always had an interest in anesthetics and how they work. An anesthesiologist, in my eyes, is someone who relieves the pain and puts a smile on someone’s face. While a surgeon may fix the problem, an anesthesiologist makes it better; something I would like to contribute to others in the mere future.
Project Expectations I believe this career involves the use of anesthetics to benefit the patient undergoing trauma or extensive surgery. The use of anesthetics will relieve pain of the patient and will improve the recovery process for both the patient and the body part injured. I anticipate to learn the background of anesthesiology because many people do not know that such a profession exists. By researching about anesthesiology, I intend to learn the role of an anesthesiologist in the operating room, as well as
When I grow up I think I want to be an Anesthesiologist. An Anesthesiologist is a person who specializes in perioperative care, development of an anesthetic plan, and the administration in of anesthetic. Also, an anesthesiologist is a physician trained in anesthesia and perioperative medicine. They give patients medical attention.
The role of the nurse anesthetist gradually developed as the demand increased for individuals who were highly and meticulously trained in anesthesia administration in an era where knowledge of germs, antisepsis and surgical interventions was emerging. During the 1800s, medical students were often responsible in the administration of anesthesia under the direct supervision of surgeons but the increased mortality rates in intraoperative patients suggested the need to reevaluate who would provide anesthesia. As a result of negative patient outcomes, surgeons turned to nurses, who served to be an adequate and reliable replacement. This trend proved to be catalytic in the movement of the nurse anesthetist.
Anesthesiologists are doctors who specialize in anesthetics, which are distributed to the patient before, during and after the surgery (American society of anesthesiologist). The world of an anesthesiologist is not just to give patients anesthetics, they are in and out of facilities and operating rooms, they monitor the patient, observe the levels of temperature, blood, and oxygen. The origins of anesthetics are,
With change comes evolution. Most professions, specifically nurse anesthetist, as we know them today did not begin in the state they are in today. They grew through trial and error. Before revealing the history of this profession and most important, its leading pioneer, one must be familiar with the role of a nurse anesthetist. Nurse anesthetists, often confused with anesthesiologists, are nurses with baccalaureate degrees in nursing and master degrees in anesthesia who are responsible for administering anesthetics to patients preoperational. Contrary, anesthesiologists are physicians whose education requires a baccalaureate degree as well as medical schooling with special education in anesthesia. However, the anesthesia part of the education is very similar for both providers (KANA. 2011).
In the healthcare field there are a multiple amount of professions. These professions vary greatly in duties, requirements, salary and more. One of these many health professions, anesthesiologists, will be reviewed over the educational status required for the position, the profession’s role and function in society, and the workforce trends.
For a few years now I have been very interested in anesthesiology. When my sister had my niece, I watched as they gave her the epidural, I became very intrigued with this career.I am going to write in my research paper what exactly they do, how to become one, the risks, and the importance. In my project I am going to show where you must inject the anesthesia, and again bring up the
With all of the different specialties in healthcare, some get overlooked or may be under the radar. An uncommon and often disregarded career choice in healthcare is that of a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or a Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice. Although not many people know about these healthcare careers, they play a vital role within the healthcare team. This field is growing rapidly and the likelihood of coming into contact with a nurse anesthetist during a hospital stay is on the rise. Knowing the history, education, responsibilities, and career outlook for a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist or a Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice can aide in understanding their very specific role in the care of patients.
Anesthesiologist are medical doctors that use special drugs and gases called anesthetics, to keep patients pain free during surgery (Career Cruising). You may ask why people would want to do this job. Some anesthesiologist enjoy listening and talking to patients and love to be able to take care of people and help them get better. Becoming an anesthesiologist contains a strong education and being super experienced and this is what makes it such an important job.
The journey to embrace the speciality of anesthesiology has been ecstatic and full of fond memories. It was not until the end of my internship that I finally developed a passion in anesthesiology and the field of critical care. I soon realized that with my zeal for clinical anatomy, command over concepts of physiology, dexterity in medical procedures and empathetic connection to my patients, this speciality would be an ideal match. In my opinion, anesthesiology demands a physicians ability to consolidate the core principles of clinical medicine with the knowledge of basic science principles delicately balanced with high standards of ethical code and conduct. I am confident that with my depth of knowledge, passion for clinical research as well
Prior to surgery, I never considered anesthesia as an option for my career, but as a patient, I gained valuable insight into the field. After talking and questioning the anesthesiologist in charge of my case about his responsibilities and roles, I discovered how intrigued I was by the profession. The anesthesiologist suggested that with my enthusiasm for nursing, and my new-found interest in anesthesia, I should consider becoming a nurse anesthetist. From that day forward, I made the decision to further my career to become a CRNA.
My first encounter with a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA) was during my undergraduate nursing OB/GYN rotation. I was impressed with the CRNA when she placed the epidural to the patient in labor. I remembered patient had difficulty staying still due to the contraction, but the CRNA took her time to explain the procedure while comforting the distressed patient. Once the epidural was in placed and the medication started working, I could tell the relief the patient experienced. I realized then that a CRNA goes beyond the delivery of anesthesia, pain management and monitoring of patients. Thus, obtaining this degree will prepare me to ease the patient’s mind through education, pain management, monitoring, experience and compassion.
The anesthesiologist is an equal member of the surgery team - an intensivist whose expertise in pain-control and short-term management of the total patient is required for the other team-members to fix a focal problem. I see the anesthesiologist as a patient advocate who realizes that a patient's experience is dependent on factors other than the efficacy of the surgery and who has the capacity to control variables to ensure patient comfort, safety, and peace of mind. When I was part of an anesthesiology team that was attentive, concerned, and prepared, the surgical experience was generally better for everyone involved. This consistently gave me a personal satisfaction which I did not feel in other fields. I am confident
Life as an Anesthesiologist Becoming an anesthesiologist is fulfilling with many benefits. Anesthesiology is a medical specialty that focuses on perioperative medicine and the administration of anesthesia. An anesthesiologist is a specialist who plans, performs, and maintains a patient’s anesthesia during a surgical or medical procedure. Some of an anesthesiologist's responsibilities for a patient undergoing surgery start at the point of making a pre-anesthetic evaluation and creating an anesthesia plan for the operation. Being an anesthesiologist is a successful job.
However, I was uncertain of which career path I wished to pursue. I was given the privilege to shadow various healthcare physicians around the area, which could help determine which field of medicine was for me. Of the specialties I had observed, I found that anesthesiology was the most intriguing and I was immediately attracted to it. In order to acquire more information about the speciality, I applied to volunteer at East Georgia Regional Medical Center in the anesthesia department. I began assisting the anesthesia technician with her daily responsibilities. She eventually introduced me to many anesthetists there. After shadowing many anesthetists, I quickly learned that much of the patient interaction was with the anesthesiologist assistant or the certified registered nurse anesthetist rather than the anesthesiologist. I was thrilled to see the anesthetist comfort the patient as well as his family before the surgery. I, then, realized that I did not want to become a physician but rather an anesthesiologist assistant because I wanted to provide that administrative and comforting experience for the patients and their loved
The work of an anesthesiologist is fulfilling with many benefits. A person would desire to become an anesthesiologist because there is a high standard of excellence due to a low percentage of doctors in this special field, not to mention the high salary. This occupation benefits the doctor through a feeling of personal gratification while receiving a great education. The community benefits through his or her help relieving the pain accompanied by surgery. Becoming an anesthesiologist involves extensive education and training, while also having many requirements and a good salary range.