
Career As A Career Choice

Decent Essays

Social Work is a profession concerned with helping individuals, families, groups and communities to enhance their individual and collective well-being. I chose to seek a degree in this field because I find this to be a very rewarding career choice. To obtain a degree in a career that essentially makes a difference in people’s lives is extremely important to me. I have worked as a medical assistant for over 10 years, and although I love my job I would like to work closer with the people that I serve. I realize from working with people with intellectual disabilities that my passion lies with helping and assisting individuals. It takes a special person to work in social services because this is a field where advocating and assisting are a forte. I would like to obtain my Bachelors of Art in Social Work and work with children. After, I have worked in the field for at least a year I would like to continue postgraduate studies in lure of earning my master’s in social work. My ultimate goal is to obtain both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work and specialize in case management assisting both children and veterans.

I chose to pursue a career in social work because I find it rewarding to have the ability to help people cope with the difficulties of everyday life. Social workers assist in social services in hopes of improving the social functions of children and adults. The field of social work is full of diversity and there are a lot of areas in which a social worker

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