
Carbon Tax Persuasive Memo

Decent Essays

Dear Representative Judy Clibborn of the 41st Legislative District,

Climate change is real, and it’s happening. As a concerned citizen of Washington and the world, I want to advocate Initiative 732. This is an initiative that would help Washington -- and later the entire nation -- take steps towards cleaning up our environment and creating a safe and livable future for our next generations. Over 360,000 people have already signed in favor for I-732, showing that they agree with creating a carbon tax that would charge polluters $25 for every metric ton of CO2 they emit. However, this tax is revenue neutral--meaning the revenue produced will be returned back to residents through various tax cuts. This would cause a minimal impact on the economy, but still encourage people to transition into …show more content…

However, according to the Washington Department of Ecology, the “potential costs to Washington from climate change impacts are projected to reach nearly $10 billion per year by 2020 and $16 billion per year by 2040”. Yes, a carbon tax could potentially put pressure on businesses that heavily rely on fossil fuels, but I-732 also has precautions to these. Not only do they propose introducing the tax, but they also want to lower our sales tax by 1%. This way, it would encourage people to spend money on more sustainable products.
Although there isn’t a lot of cases of countries with carbon taxes yet, one success story comes from Ireland. According to the Carbon Tax Center, Ireland was one of the highest producers of greenhouse gases in Europe, with levels close to that of the United States. However, after implementing the tax that charged about $23 per ton of CO2 in 2010, emissions dropped more than 15%. Yet their economy didn’t fall along with the CO2 levels—it grew instead. I think that Ireland is a great example of the potential carbon taxes can have, and that we should factor in their case when deciding on

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