
The Cap And Trade Legislation

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It 's bad enough that we are embroiled in the worst recession since the Great Depression and yet, liberals in Washington want to spend more, save less, and yes, tax you some more. It has been said that some things come in three 's-well there you go. Spend more, save less, and tax more. I guess the saying is true to its meaning because Liberals seem to like that number 3, especially with this Cap and Trade bill. The Cap and Trade legislation seeks to create carbon credits-the only credit you and I will get is a VISA debit check card-which places credits in the hands of the polluters and allows them to pollute to a certain limits, based on the limits they were given. But when those companies fall under their mandated pollution limits, they can sell the remaining credits to other companies who haven 't yet. How sweet, huh? They get rewarded and what do we get in return? So what is it with this reward system and this global warming theory that the liberals and environmentalists are running up and down mountains to prove at all cost? Or is it, our cost? Who really is the enemy in all this so-called global warming panic attack? CO2 emissions are the enemy that 's who. The evil demon that needs to be eradicated immediately or we will just vaporize. But wait, CO2--don 't we need that? Is it me or has the long chain of human life that acquired an immense amount of intelligence through evolution just came to an end? CO2 is needed for life. Without it, we would all perish

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