On the morning of 2-24-16, the reporter saw Kionata on Capital Street, walking to school by himself. It was raining and cold outside (he had on a thin jacket). There was no crossing guard, and he may have walked 2-3 miles from his home. The reporter stopped to offer him a ride to school, and told him not to ever get in a car with a stranger. The reporter states that the situations could have been worst if it was a 'real stranger'. School staffs told the reporter that Kionata is always late for school, but his brother is always on time. They both are not bus riders, and the school is close to the home. The reporter states at their age, they should be supervised on their way to school. Capital Street is not a busy street, but cars do travel it,
Communication within the Westside School District No. 5 between the school district and the communities and families that it serves is a very dynamic process. I talked with district administrators, community members, researched pertinent information in the Arkansas State University library, and various governmental online sources and found very helpful information to include in this sociological inventory. Westside Consolidated School District No. 5 is a consolidation of primarily three school districts Bono, Cash and Egypt located in Craighead County, Arkansas in 1966 (Westside, 2017). The district also includes parts of Walnut Ridge and Alicia in Lawrence County and parts of Jonesboro in Craighead County. The district has three school buildings housing students from pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. The elementary school is the school for
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
Ahmed had begun attending Granville Public School in 2015, after arriving to Sydney the same year. After meeting with the principle, a regional panel determined his placement in one of the support unit classes for students with mild intellectual development (*note that he was not placed in a mainstream class with additional support due to not speaking or reading English properly). For more than a year, teachers recorded that Ahmed conveyed:
A $ 2.8 million addition to the existing Settles Bridge Elementary School consists of two wings, 34,000 square feet building. This structural steel frame with pre-engineered metal roof project also has brick facing and concrete masonry unit exterior walls. The job includes the installation of new sprinkler system for the existing facility. The challenge of the project was to tie the existing storm and sewer lines and proceed with construction while the school was in session.
I am applying for $500 to begin various clubs for Landmark Elementary School. I would like to begin various clubs in my practicum school, such as a Lego Club, a Board Games Club, a craft club, and a crochet club. During the cold winter months, when the temperature gets very cold, often times children cannot go outside to play during recess and lunch hour. Many of the children have expressed interest in beginning clubs that each child could sign up for. During the cold days, when children cannot go outside, the children who have signed up for the clubs have an activity to do that allows them a time to get a break from their studies. The program gives children a chance to get involved in the school, and students a place where they feel they might belong and thrive. Help the students to learn valuable skills while allowing children a chance to explore various different interests. Participation in a supervised constructive activity limits the time that is available
I agree with you that change does not come easy and will take plenty of positive motivation. Data can be disturbing and scary at times. Like Kim, I have to ask the question, who is listening and what can be done to change this trend?
Melody chose try out for Spaulding Street Elementary's quiz team because both Catherine and Mrs. V encouraged her to prove everyone wrong and make the team (153-154, 158-160). However, she has more obstacles in her path than just knowing the right answers. In order to try out for the team, Melody has to convince Mr. D that she is worthy of even attempting to try out, despite getting a perfect score on the practice test. She must also face the ridicule from her classmates over the idea. Additionally, Melody must conquer her own doubts and fears that she is not good enough to make the team. Nevertheless, instead of wallowing in self-pity because of the unique and challenging circumstances surrounding her tryout, she spends her time and energy preparing for the quiz.
REPORTER: The reporter/Counselor (Kimberly) and Administrator (Fanesha) called with concerns for the victim, Rodrique. According to the reporters, on Monday (8/17/2015) an incident occurred on the school bus. The reporter spoke with the victim at 1:04pm on yesterday (8/18/2015), and he said the bus driver (unknown) pushed on breaks and a trashcan moved and hit another student. The bus driver thought the victim threw the trashcan. When the bus driver got to the victim's stop, he told Mark (Sister's boyfriend) the victim threw the trash can. Around 5:00pm, the boyfriend began to yell at the child and he went and sat on the porch to do his homework. Mark told the victim to get out of the home, and he threw his backpack into a ditch, while it was raining outside.
On 05/09/16, Mrs. Zorate dropped Angel off at school at 6:40am and school doesn’t open until 7:30am. The reporter stated after having the child try several locked doors and going through several locked gates, Mrs. Zorate sent the child to check a front door of the school and when the child returned to let her know it was locked as well, her mother had driven off. According to the reporter, a school aid happened to be at the school at the time and found the child upset and crying. The reporter stated when the school aid walked back around to the side of the building where the child was dropped off, the mother was gone. Ms. Wright stated Angel told the aid that her mother told her she’d missed the bus this morning; the bus had not run yet and
George Washington Middle School has a fairly large population of special education students ranging from lower to higher functioning students. The teacher of the special education students at the middle school, Ms. Jones, had a difficult job in creating lesson plans and activities that would be engaging and on the appropriate level for all students. Ms. Jones found a new computer program that she knew all of her students would be able to enjoy and learn from. The mobile computer lab was a very hot commodity in the Middle School amongst all the teachers because they were new and they supported all the software that was coming out. Ms. Jones tried to see if the new computer program would work on the older computers so the class would be able
My paper is on the power of words in regard to The Book Thief. This paper will be going over parts of the book when words change everything also will be going over how words help with bad times and make good times better. Words can makes a terrible day great and a great day amazing words are underestimated and that is why we as the human race has the problems it does. The book thief is written by Markus Zusak and he decided to do what has not really been done and wrote a book narrated by Death. At the end of the book death says humans haunt him and the meaning behind that is very powerful.
The current sanctions placed on the York City School District by the Pennsylvania Department of Education have intrigued me since the day I started working at Jackson Elementary there three years ago. YCSD ranked 490th out of 496th school districts in the state of Pennsylvania in 2015. Last school year they did not improve as expected, according to the latest reports just released by the State Department of Education. The district has some goals to meet, which include cutting in half the gap between the district’s reading and math Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA) scores and the state average, as well as cutting the gap between the district’s third grade reading scores and the state average.
Angela is military style strict. She would snatch the child up if they didn't move like she says. She would shake and snatch them out of line. Tyler and Gazahria have been the ones to always get pulled. Angela had her picks and chooses of who she mistreats. Angela would mistreat them so bad that the after school children were terrified of her. Some of the children still attend the daycare. She would yell and get in some of the children's faces. Derrick is an infant that did attend the daycare. There was an incident were he wasn't feeling well and was crying. Angela was irritated because he was crying. She threw him across the room into his playpen. The reporter stated she contacted the grandfather and told them they needed to come get the child and take him out of the daycare. She told the grandfather what happened. Most of the parents are not aware of the concerns. The reporter is not sure if the children told their parents. The children don't need
I think the main theme in the “Maze Runner” is trying to escape a problem, that problem is the maze. Three examples to back up why I think the theme is…
This purpose of this study, done in Pakistan, was to identify social development in the early childhood years. One hundred and forty, random selected, boys and girls from Lahore City were used in this study. Fifteen was randomly chosen from each of eight private schools between the ages of 3 and 8. They were divided into three groups; 3 to 4 year olds, 4 to 6 year olds and 6 to 8 year olds. A checklist was developed to help collect data about children’s social development, consisting of 53 questions and two columns of yes or no, for opinions of teachers, by three experts in childhood education. The checklist covered areas of development consisting of individual characteristics, social skills, communication skills and peer relationships. One of the experts visited each of the schools and explained to the teachers how to observe the children. After one week the observational sheets were collected. Percentages computed identify various patterns in the data to reach certain conclusions. The results in the 3 to 4 year olds were: 60% do not usually show a positive mood for the whole day; positive relationships with peers is shown in 75%; when reminded 30% say thank you; 65 percent interact in non-verbal ways with peers such as a nod or a smile, and engage in games with adults; 60% showed interaction and exchange of information with peers; 68% participated in classroom group activities; 75% feel embarrassed when someone talks about their words or habits to someone else; 63% showed