The reporter use to work in the kitchen area of the daycare for 5-6 years. A few months ago, she was moved to a classroom. The reporter didn't actually see anything until in a classroom. She use to hear a child being whipped while in the kitchen but never seen it. The reporter witnessed children in the pre-toddler and toddler classrooms being whipped with a yellow, hard, plastic bat. According to the reporter, this happened everyday. It last happened last Thursday. The reporter stated she quit on September 29th. The reporter didn't see any marks or bruises on the children. The reporter stated when she did see, she had someone else call and make a report to the hotline due to her still working there. One of the children at the daycare isTyler. …show more content…
Angela is military style strict. She would snatch the child up if they didn't move like she says. She would shake and snatch them out of line. Tyler and Gazahria have been the ones to always get pulled. Angela had her picks and chooses of who she mistreats. Angela would mistreat them so bad that the after school children were terrified of her. Some of the children still attend the daycare. She would yell and get in some of the children's faces. Derrick is an infant that did attend the daycare. There was an incident were he wasn't feeling well and was crying. Angela was irritated because he was crying. She threw him across the room into his playpen. The reporter stated she contacted the grandfather and told them they needed to come get the child and take him out of the daycare. She told the grandfather what happened. Most of the parents are not aware of the concerns. The reporter is not sure if the children told their parents. The children don't need
Reporter stated he was getting ready to go to work Friday morning around 4:30 a.m. and Marquise was standing outside his home crying. Marquise has been sleeping at the home since Friday. Reporter hasn't met any of Marquise's family. Reporter's child is friends with Marquise. He said Marquise's mother is in a nursing home in Noxubee county. Reporter stated he and his wife are trying to help Marquise. Reporter stated Marquise hasn't been in school. He said he was suspended for 10 days but he barely goes to school when he is not suspended. He is suppose to be back at school now. Yesterday was his last day of suspension. He has no physical or mental limitations. Marquise doesn't have a change of clothes. He has on the same clothes. Reporter stated he has to let him take a bath. Reporter has not discussed the concerns the an alleged perpetrator. The child doesn't need immediate medical
The reporting party (RP) stated she received a call from Cynthia Rentera 33045 Road 159 Apt. #8. Ivanhoe 93235 (559) 736-6143 the mother of 8 year old Yessenia I. Rentera DOB: 5/6/08 and 4 year old David Rentera DOB: 7/14/11. The mother alleged that day care provider (licensee) Esthella Escamilla (Gutierrez) spanks her children with a belt. The mother disclosed that the licensee is a Spanish speaker and her children are English speakers. The RP interview Yessenia who was adamant the licensee spanks her and her brother. The mother did not indicate want precedes the spankings. The RP stated Yessenia had a vivid imagination, however stated she was telling the truth about being spanked. The RP asked Yessenia if she knew the difference between telling
The reporter stated on 11/19/15, the children had a forensic interview with Regan Smith, family nurse at Children’s Safe Center. The reporter stated after the interview, Ms. Smith made a recommendation that the children seek professional counseling for lack of supervision; Ms. Smith also recommended that Ms. Kiner is not capable of properly caring for the children. According to the reporter, the children are not supervised properly, they leave the home after Ms. Kiner takes Oxycodine prescribed for back pain, and they vandalize and tear up her furniture and home. The reporter stated it’s been reported by the school that the children come to school with bad hygiene and that they are not bathed properly. Ms. Little stated that the children also
The reporting party (RP) is group home youth Laura Qi DOB: 4/11/03 DOP: 9/22/16 SCHOOL: Clyde L Fischer Middle, 1720 Hopkins Dr., San Jose CA 95122-1632 SW: Irene Lee (408) 501-6650. The reporting party (RP) stated she has been bullied for the past 4 months by both the group home youth and the staff members. According to the RP she has been called names, physically hit and punch by other group youth, and threatened with physical harm from staff members. These incidents has causes the RP to feel unsafe and place her at risk for harm in the group home. On 1/22/17 the RP disclosed she was hit by another foster youth and reported the incident to a staff member named Dan McGirt, however, Mr. McGirt didn't believe her and stated to her "you are full
The reporter stated the children told their father they don’t know the last time they took a bath and whenever she bathed them the bath water was completely dirty. The reporter stated the children are underweight even though their mother receives food stamps. According to the reporter, all three children had sores around their mouths, in their heads, on their backs and buttocks, and on their arms and legs. Ms. Ballard stated she called to ask Brittany it was. The reporter stated Ms. Smith told her she did not know and had not seen anything on the children. Ms. Ballard stated she and the children’s father took them to be seen at a hospital on 07/05/15 and the children were diagnosed with Infantago. The reporter stated she later called Ms. Smith back to ask her for the boy’s insurance card in order to take them to see a doctor and pick up their prescriptions but she refused and did not give it to Mr.
UCM: CPSW did a home visit for Lance and Ashley. Both children were outside playing with their bicycle. Ashley seemed to be engaged little more than Lance during the visit. Both stated that they are excited that school will start soon for them. The foster parent ( Ms. Dawn) stated that Lance still sees his therapy and it seems to help him with his aggressive behavior at the day care. Ashley was standing next to the CP and quietly listening to the conversation. Ms. Dawn asked Ashley if she can go and play while grownups are talking. Very quickly Ashley got upset and started screaming. Ms. Dawn tried to help Ashley to calm down and it escalated more. CP gave little time Ms. Dawn so she can help Ashley to calm down. Shortly after the screaming
Reporter see the children everyday. Reporter cooks enough for the children to eat. They were eating bologna sandwiches and cold cuts. The children are being clothed. They have clothes at other people homesdown the street. A woman put them out because the mother and grandmother curse and beat on the children. The children curse back at the mother and grandmother. The mother tells the grandmother don't hit my damn children. Mom tells the grandmother she will buss her in her face. This happens everyday. The grandmother is sickly. Per reporter, if it wasn't for the grandmother, welfare would have been got the children. Reporter stated Larry is not in school anymore because he was kicked out for fighting. Larry cursed the bus driver out and he can't ride the bus anymore. Per reporter, the family has no where to stay. They are living in an abandoned house. Reporter has discused the concerns with the mother. Mom was told the police would be called. Mom said it's her damn children and she do what she wants. A man calls the children his grandchildren. He use to go with the grandmother. He said they could live with him at Sawmill Quarter. He doesn't want to see the children on the street. The children don't need immediate
The reporter said Leannah never took the child to the doctor. The reporter spoke with mom about the allegations against Chris, and she “beat her head into the ground and kicked her teeth out”. The reporter said mom continues to bring the children around Chris, even after what she told her (unknown when). Also, Chris “whoops” both of the children (unknown when), and it is unknown if there were visible marks or bruises. There were no details given. The reporter said she hasn’t seen the children in over two weeks. The reporter said Leanna “whoops” the kids with belts and hand, and she has left marks on the children. It is unknown when she “whooped” them or where she left marks on them. This occurs “whenever they do something and she has to tell them more than once or when she is tore up” (unknown when). The reporter said mom is an alcoholic, and she does drugs (pills). Mom will take anything you give her (pills), and she smokes marijuana in her bedroom. Also, she smokes marijuana with the people next door, but it is unknown if the children have access to the drugs. Also, it is unknown if she is smoking around the
Reporter noted Kaleb and the other children were left in the care of the boyfriend (Markquis) on yesterday (03/23/16) while the mother was at work. Reporter noted the mother (Anndras) was trying to but Kaleb in the bathtub, but Markquis didn’t want her to do so. Reporter noted the mother noticed when she took his clothes there were whelps all over his body. Reporter noted its unknown if the mother asked the boyfriend what happened but the other kids states he whooped all of them but Kaleb got it worse. Reporter noted the mother did not take the child to the ER but she did leave the home. Reporter noted this is not the first time she has witnessed any marks or bruises on Kaleb. Reporter noted the dad side of the family was contacted. Reporter
On 10/16/2015 I spoke with Nelda Shavers the director who stated she became aware of the incident when Brittany Shavers had came in the office around 9:30 am and stated Kaylee P. was having a seizure on the playground. Ms. Shavers stated Brittany grabbed the phone and called 911 while she went to tend to Kaylee on the playground. Ms. Shavers stated she rolled Kaylee over on her side. Ms. Shavers stated there was another class on the playground adjucte to the playground that Kaylee and her class was on. Once Brittany had called 911 she gave the phone to Ms. Shavers who continued to stay on with 911 while Brittany and D'Andrea Franklin took the children on both playgrounds inside. Ms. Shavers stated Kaylee's teacher Shana Myers had went in to
The school called the reporter (mother) because of the children behaviors. The reporter states Ke'eric has ADHD, and he has been acting out. She could not get to the school, and she called Alvin to go to the school for her. Alvin removed the children from school, took them home and whipped (beat) them with an extension cord. Ke'eric has bruises on his back, under his butt area. Taylissa has bruises on the side of her hip, by her butt area, as well as one of her arms. The children are dark skinned and the bruises are seen. The reporter states she does not have a problem with Alvin whipping the kids, but it is how he did it and the object he used that bothers her. Alvin is not fully involved in the children lives, and would hardly see them. Alvin
REPORTER: The reporter/ Therapist (Felissa) called with concerns for the victim, Kalise. The reporter called to report lustful touching and possible physical abuse. According the reporter, in August of 2015, the child told her mother (Shanna) and grandmother (Chaundra), “J touched me, he pulled my diaper, he tore my gown’. They attempted to ask her more questions and she said “I don’t want to talk about it”. The reporter said the grandmother stated that the child didn’t want them to pull her bottoms down when she returned home. The incident took place at Jeremy’s (Father) home on 8/02/2015. The incident was reported to DHS in August of 2015, but there was not anything done about, per reporter. The child received a medical examination, and
When a child is suspected of being abused, neglected or placed at imminent risk of serious harm by a member of the staff of a private or public school or an institution that cares for the child, the person in charge of the school or facility must notify the child’s parent or other person responsible for the child’s care that a report has been made. The state’s department of child abuse responsibility is to notify the head of a facility, school or establishment that a report has been made.
Yes, Tavion’s mother’s statement of concern about the suspicion of abuse should warrant a valid reason to lunch investigation in the child injury. Moreover, the emergency department staff had suspicion about the Tavion’s injury due to the fact injury is not consistence with an injury sustained in park playground. Hospitals are mandate by law to report any suspicion of child abuse; the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act enacted in 1974 was designed to encourage the reporting of child abuse cases, and prevention. In addition, most states have enacted laws to further protect abuse children, and most states protect the individual required to report cases of suspected child abuse; the following individual are eligible to report suspected cases of abuse include healthcare administrators, physicians, interns, registered nurse, chiropractors, social service workers, psychologists, dentists, osteopaths, optometrists, podiatrists, mental health professionals, and volunteer in healthcare facilities (Pozgar, 2014).