
California Drought : California And Alaska

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California Drought
California is the state located in southwest of the North America and is the third largest state beside Texas and Alaska. California is well known for its sunny and friendly weather. Other than that, abundant job opportunities, great education, and rich culture draw many resettlers not only Americans moving from other states, but also immigrants resettling here from all over the world. Large population will certainly increase the demand of water and food to fulfill the basic human needs. Yet one fact shows that the total urban water usage in California only accounts for roughly ten percent. Food actually requires more water to produce than the urban uses. Agriculture in California plays an huge role as producer and …show more content…

Instead of letting the drought conditions become worse, both agricultural practice and personal habits have to be changed. Only understanding how to use water efficiently as well as how to conserve water effectively are the only ways to survive from water crisis. This is a challenge for every Californian, agricultural provider and the state governor.
Before finding solutions for the drought trends, knowing where California get its water supply is essential. Colorado River system provides an important source of water for Southern California and supports Los Angeles and San Diego County, where dwell the most population in the south. The reliable water resource lessen the current water stress and drought problems as well as given enough water for domestic use . However, water supply from the Colorado river can only be considered as a short-term solution in terms of drought. Expanding urban area and growing population in Southern California increase the demand of water, and on top of that California is not the only thirsty state that shares water supply from the same river system. Michael Wines emphasises that
These new realities are forcing a profound reassessment of how the 1,450-mile Colorado, the Southwest’s only major river, can continue to slake the thirst of one of the nation’s fastest-growing regions. Agriculture, from California’s Imperial Valley to Wyoming’s cattle herds, soaks up about three-quarters of its water, and produces 15 percent of the nation’s food.

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