
Essay On California Drought

Decent Essays

How do we halt a seemingly endless drought? California has many varying climates from the chilly Sierra Mountains to the parched deserts of Death Valley, but today they all have one thing in common: they are in a drought. The California drought has been a creeping phenomenon that has taken a hold of the state for the past five years. There has been little rain, soaring temperatures, and dropping water levels. The lack of water lead to severe water cuts, the spread of wildfire, and thirsty crops. In order to end the drought, California must conserve water. Recycling water is an effective way to save water. Recycling water is making wastewater into water people can safely use to water their crops, use in the toilet, and even for drinking. Dirty wastewater is pumped through pipes where they are filtered and exposed to ultraviolet light to remove bacteria and other molecules that are not water. The Sacramento Bee states that, “The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District currently pumps out about 1,000 acre-feet of recycled water a year to parks and schools in areas of Elk Grove near its treatment plant in southern Sacramento County” (Sangree). Creating safe water from the wastewater, which the state usually pumps out, is a smart and efficient process of supplying their cities with clean water. Not only is recycling water a …show more content…

Practicing good water saving techniques everyday will eventually save them gallons of water over time. Small acts one can do are turning off the tap when it is not in use, using the dishwasher instead of hand washing, not watering their lawns, and taking showers instead of baths. Friedman wrote in, “The average bath uses 35 to 50 gallons of water, but a 10-minute shower with a low-flow showerhead only uses 25 gallons” (Friedman). Simply changing from baths to showers can create a huge difference in a person’s water usage. Everyday people can fight against the drought at

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