
Caffeine Experiment

Decent Essays

Coffee is often used by many individuals as a stimulus to stay more alert when preforming tasks but it may not have the same effects on individuals with depression. The overproduction of the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine has been associated with people with depression. Active research have correlated high acetylcholine levels in the brain to increase depression like symptoms in healthy individuals and individuals with bipolar disorder. Other stimuli such as caffeine have been studied to determine an increase risked of depression by using dose-response methods in people who have experience depression in their lifetime. In this experiment the effects of acetylcholine and caffeine on the heart rate of a ghost shrimp, Palaemonetes, were tested to determine if the combination of these …show more content…

The prediction for this experiment was expected for acetylcholine to decrease the heart rate while caffeine would increase the heart rate and in combination maintain a heart rate close to normal. To obtain results the ghost shrimp was placed in water with 2000 µL of acetylcholine and the beats per minute were calculated and the same amount was used for the caffeine test. The shrimp was allowed to destress in between the tests and was finally placed in water with 2000 µL of acetylcholine and 2000 µL of caffeine. The results demonstrated that compared to the average baseline heart rate, 196 beats per minute, the caffeine increased the beats to 230 while the acetylcholine decreased the beats to 158. Together the stimuli produced an average of 200 beats per minute and produced the closest heart rate to the baseline. The statistical t test scores for acetylcholine, caffeine and in combination were 0.083, 0.029 and 0.37 respectively. These scores demonstrate that acetylcholine and the combination test were not significant enough to demonstrate a change in heart

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