
CIPD Resourcing Talent 3RTO

Decent Essays

1.1 Many factors contribute to a diverse workforce this maximises the potential of all employees, which benefits the organisation reaching its goals both internally and externally. Skills and Knowledge: Increases productivity and creativity along with different problem solving approach. Employees to feel at ease in their job role as a shortage of skills and knowledge can increase employee’s workload making it unmanageable. Employees can feel appreciated; tend to feel loyal to the organisation which helps retain employees Discrimination: Diverse workforce encourages applicants from different ethnicity and disability to apply to vacancies without fear of discrimination. Clients tend to be loyal when there is a diverse workforce as they …show more content…

Can assess candidates ability to perform Gives a clearer understanding of the candidate Same questions asked to all candidates allowing fairness, this helps interviewer in making decisions Allows candidates to ask questions e.g. about the organisations, working patterns Nervous candidates tend to portray bad body language Time consuming Unskilled or less confident interviewer can make candidate feel uncomfortable Insufficient candidates to make comparison References Replies can be quick Response can be invaluable e.g. medical conditions how can the

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