
CCJ 320 Class Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

We had a very nice conversation about how fat things are going during this term. Don't forget to apply for graduation. You can apply for it through your Salukinet account. Let me know if have any problem when applying for graduation. You have taken your Session Exam in your CCJ 480 class. Please check you grade in the Excel document I have attached to my email. You have taken your CCJ 462 Exam # 1. Let me know when your instructor gives your grade back. Your Paper # 1 in your CCJ 320 is due today, Friday February 10th. Prepare for your Exam # 1 in your CCJ 320 class. It is going to be given on Friday, February 17th. Let me know if you need any help to prepare this exam. Keep working on the readings for your classes. You have been working

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