
C Wright Mills Summary

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C. Wright Mills was an American sociologist who created the idea of sociological imagination. He wanted to understand how transformation in our society or around the world can affect our everyday life. Sociological imagination is viewing the world from different perspective, understanding where we stand as an individual within society, and how it connects with history and biography. According to Mills, imagination means that we have the ability to shift from one perspective to another. We try to understand the world by looking at it in different angles. We have the ability to see things at a micro level and then shift to a macro level, seeing the bigger picture. Instead of feeling trap and narrow-minded, we began to develop self-consciousness and start to question our values. When we start to feel our values threatened, it leads to different feelings. For example, when our cherished values are threaten we experience crisis; when all of our values are threatened we experience panic. On the other hand, people who don't have …show more content…

History and our background greatly influence who we are as an individual and therefore impacts society. However, society also critically influences the choices we make, our values and the kind of person we become. For example, at one point in our history, the majority of the people believed that the role of a women is to bare children and keep the household running smoothly while the men role is to provide for his family. However, over the years in some societies this view has changed. Understanding how history, biography connects within society helps us better understand where we stand in society and what we can do to prevail within that period. Mills states that we each have some kind of contribution in shaping society and our history even if we ourselves are created by

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