
Business Education: The Business Philosophy And Philosophy Of Business

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The philosophy of business by definition considers the fundamental principles that underlie the formation and operation of a business enterprise; the nature and purpose of a business, and the moral obligations that pertain to it. The subject is important to business and management, and is therefore closely related to business ethics and political economy. It is influenced significantly by philosophy, ethics, and economic theory.
The "philosophy of business" is different from ‘business philosophy.’ Business philosophy denotes a way of doing business or a business outlook, instead of the more academic philosophical meaning of philosophy of business."
A- Philosophy of Business of STC (education)
Man has always been considered as the measure or …show more content…

Thus, Philosophy of education has been one of the most searched upon topic in the entire academic history, the purpose and goal of which is primarily to study its process and discipline in order to understand how it works, improve its methods and perfects applications into our human society. Therefore, the main objective of philosophy of education is above all else for the betterment of humanity in all its complexities.
An Englishman, John Locke was one of the earliest philosophers who put forward a more advanced foundational philosophies of education with his ‘tabula rasa’ theory. Locke, believed that the human mind is a ‘blank slate’ since birth and may only acquire knowledge through experience and sense perception. The influence of such thought flourished for centuries not only in England but to the entire western world in its educational ideals and …show more content…

as a Catholic, founded by the Missionary of the Sacred Heart (MSC) fathers, is non-stock and non-profit educational institution in her 100 years of existence dutifully fulfills her sacred task to educate the community where she was established. The proof of her maturation in her self-awareness and task is her ability to adapt the challenges and in addressing the demands of our time and of an ever advancing educational approaches and methodologies brought about by the ever changing world. Thus Saint Theresa College has her philosophy of Education consistently and creatively crafted in her vision, mission and goals and these are the following:
Saint Theresa College the Business Philosophy:

Vision : Saint Theresa College envisions a fully transformed Christian Academic Community responsive to global realities.

Mission: Guided by the vision and inspired by the virtues of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, Saint Theresa College is committed to:

1. Form evangelized and committed evangelizers who will strive their best to serve and promote the interest of their fellowmen.
2. Provide academic, spiritual and co-curricular activities that enhance development of the Christian person towards building transformed society.
3. Produce highly competent graduates with a sense of responsible leadership in the local and international

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