
Business Case Study: Grandel Group LLC

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Grandel Group LLC would like to request a full refund and complimentary service due to events that took place on April 15th, 2016. On this day, your café was under contract to cater for Grandel Group LLC. Although the food that was delivered was delicious, the agreement was not completely fulfilled.

To elaborate, your café was under contract to serve breakfast, lunch, and a dinner to my firm on the day of April 15th, 2016. The contract that was agreed upon is on the following page. A USB drive containing security pictures and video clips of what was delivered on that day is also enclosed in the envelope. The pictures and videos are also digitally time stamped. Instead of being given a three-course meal, Grandel Group LLC was given only 1 meal and an appetizer-worth of extras for our 30 employees. Had this been desired, one of our employees could have gone to the local Costco to pick up food instead of spending $3,450 for your café’s meals and services.

Along with what was on the contract, a café employee verbally told Grandel Group LLC that each meal would be setup and served in our conference room. Utensils were to also be provided as well. After all the contents of the boxes were emptied, I had personally called your café to discuss what had been delivered and the service given. After much waiting, an employee picked up and stated …show more content…

Due to all the breaches in our contractual agreement with one another, Grandel Group LLC deems this to be a reasonable request. I hope that future contractual agreements with your establishment will be fulfilled wholly. Grandel Group LLC understands that mistakes can occur to any business and we are willing to look past this mistake so that we may do business in the future. Some form of communication (email, call, etc.) no later than a week from the 19th of April 2016 would be greatly

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