
Bus-101: T-Mobile Marketing Strategy Analysis

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QUeen Mary University – Business management – introduction to marketing and communications | BUS101 - Group 20 | T-Mobile Assignment | | Tanveer Ahmed Mostafa, Vithunan Nesarajan, Vidhish Shah, Arvin Rajendram, Shaheera Tengku & Aketa Oswal | 12/3/2012 |

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Consequently, this created a misconception about T-Mobile amongst consumers that they could not uphold their word. Having said that, T-Mobile has come a long way since that campaign and has been constantly trying to re-establish their image/brand amongst its future and existing users. Currently under their new vice chairman, Jasmine Montgomery T-Mobile have increased their marketing budget to £115 million to support their slogan “We are the ones to catch”. From T-Mobile’s marketing strategy we can understand that the company is trying to play against their odds and come out a winner. In a situation where all the firms in the Telecom industry are not increasing their marketing budget, T-Mobile hopes to differentiate itself amongst in customers in hope of a better future.
One of T-Mobile’s promotional strategies is its employment of viral marketing through videos. Though it maybe true that most of their videos have gone viral such as the ‘Royal Wedding Viral Ad’, ‘The T-Mobile Parking Ticket’ and ‘T-Mobile What Britain Loves’, the videos have become popular mainly cause of their entertainment value. An article by Wave Metrix states ‘In its latest TV advert T-Mobile continues to engage consumers through entertaining video content, but fails to generate significant brand and product discussion, due to insufficient information about the ‘You

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