
Verizon Commercial Analysis

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Verizon’s 2015 Commercial
Commercials! Commercial! Commercial! Do they do well to the people? Think about the Verizon’s 2015, commercials with geese flying far-away in search of food. What is surprising, they start flying back leaving greener pastures. Then comes the inscription which say `come home and get $300.’ Also, the sweet melody playing in the background is soothing and comforting that it changes the viewers’ perceptions, too. For a commercial, this these geese present a magnificent view to many people. Apart from the awesome dazzling view, people get attract and get hooked with the message in this commercial. But, are they going to get what they want? The truth is people need a good, reliable, flexible, and affordable communication system.
Yes, people need good reliable communication system for various reasons: Whether a personal chat or a business phone call, people need to conveyed messages correctly – without …show more content…

In the commercial, it is mentioned that `these birds are suffering,’ and it is referring to the subscribers who are suffering. Why the subscribers are losing connection? As already alluded above, calls break abruptly; messages do not get delivered late. In addition, watching movies on the device is frustrating because the download speed is slow, and sometimes the video will not load. Well, Verizon caused this problem - that is truly unbelievable. Verizon has developed a transmission which is not compatible on old devices, and this development does not spare the current Verizon subscribers with cheap/or old devices. These subscribers have to constantly keep upgrading their devices which means they pay extra dollars on newer better devices. Moreover, the $300 trade in which is not evens enough to replace a handset. `That’s pathetic!’ Verizon is insensitive; it is overlooking the suffering in people: Neither is it flexible, nor

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