From the perspective of a boy who has a brother with downs syndrome. My little brother Bryce who is 12 years old has downs syndrome, he has always been a major handful. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a brother like him. I hear lots of different opinions about people like him. It is hard to teach him how to do things. You might think it wouldn’t be that much of a difference between having a normal sibling and a special needs sibling, but there is. I hear people say different things about disabled kids all the time. For example in heard people say aww he is so cute about my little brother. I have also had a kid make fun of him. That kid got put in his place… Sometimes I see someone with special needs with their siblings and …show more content…
Like sometimes I try to teach him how to right his name. I will show him how to do it, then he will copy. If you go let him do something else for a few minutes and then tell him to write his name he will not be able to write his name. He will just scribble lines. You might think it wouldn’t be that much of a difference between having a normal sibling and a special needs sibling, but there is. When you go out in public people sometimes tend to stare. I don’t mind if he is being good, but when he has a tantrum is when I start to become embarrassed. I have had a few people come up to me and say that they can’t believe that I can get him under control without any yelling or hitting especially since I am his older brother. There are many advantages and disadvantages to having Bryce as my little brother. One major disadvantage is that he doesn’t have the vocabulary that most kids his age have. He cannot tell you what he wants, you have to guess what he wants. When he was young he was taught how to do sign language. So he does communicate like that sometimes. For example he knows drink, hungry, cookie, and of course ice cream. I cannot think of many advantages of him having downs syndrome. The only advantage would probably be him not able to snitch on me about
Script Isabella: Thinking about moving to the colonies? Fife: Move to New Jersey! 2.
Accordingly, people with Down Syndrome have a lesser quality of life. In addition, due to the symptoms, specifically the affect Down Syndrome has on brain development, people underestimate the ability of a person with Down Syndrome. However, people with Down Syndrome are just like everyone else without the
Family is the most important aspect of student success, this is the unit that teaches children how communicate, have good/appropriate social skills, and problem solving skills and this could not be truer than with a special needs child, yet if that child has a sibling this can be to their detriment. Mary McHugh, author of the book Special Siblings writes that “I don’t know if that happy baby turned into that somber child because of my brother’s disability or because my parents’ marriage was almost destroyed by it,” showing how typically developing children are, many times, at a disadvantage in the family unit because their parents are pouring all their love and attention into the special needs child leaving the typical child deprived and alone
What are the some of the challenges encountered in a Down Syndrome baby, and why are these
In the first video about Down syndrome we learned about a young couple who when they had their first child, Kristen discovered that she was born with the malformation known as Down syndrome. They were very concerned for her health and struggled through the medical needs she had as an infant in relation to the Down syndrome which caused her to have 6 surgeries as a very young age. The same couple had another child who was not born with the malformation and were expecting their third child as well. Nicole, who is Kristen’s little sister actually seemed to stimulate development in Kristen, such as when Nicole started to crawl, so did Kristen. Kristen’s mom explained that while having a child with Down syndrome comes with great concerns, challenges
This relationship is the first and longest peer relationship that siblings will have. The typically developing sibling who has a positive relationship with their sibling with a disability have higher levels of positive self-concept typically developing siblings who were not raised with a sibling or child with disabilities. In another article that they have conducted shows cooperative and externalizing behaviors that were examined.
Years have past and now my little girl has turned into a beautiful teenager, and all those tears of sadness and fear I had the day that she was born have been replaced with joy and happiness. Yes it is harder for my daughter, but my family, friends, and community have made it easier for my daughter to feel loved, involved, and like she can make a difference in the world. She has been such a blessing to the family, so never think that having a child with a disability is ever wrong, because you ay never know what kind of miracle your child can turn out to
But with society’s modern day technology we can test to see if our kids will have down syndrome or not. But overall what are the pros and cons with having a down syndrome kid? Genetic screening has the ability to obtain personal genetic information quickly and privately
Being a new parent to a child with a disability can be challenging but with the right knowledge, anyone can develop a positive mindset. A child with a rare genetic disorder like Williams Syndrome is unique like any other child. Besides every child with Williams Syndrome having a developmental and/or learning disability, they are susceptible to heart problems as well. There is a shorter life expectancy that comes along with this condition but managing symptoms may help. Along with weaknesses, Williams Syndrome also comes with many strengths as you will find out, strengths such as good social skills, great verbal abilities, and many times children respond well to music-related hobbies.
A person that has Down syndrome may have some physical problems or disabilities. Some common physical problems are: short necks, poor muscle tone, a small head and an overall smaller body. Approximately one third of babies born with Down syndrome have heart defects, most of which are now
Among siblings 88 percent are convinced that they are better people because of their brother or sister with down syndrome. People who haven’t experienced working with or living with a disabled person don’t understand the impact it has on your life and what you consider to be normal when it comes to a daily routine. With that said the person in my life who has shaped me to be the person I am today is my sister, Madison. Madison Ness is sixteen years old with down syndrome and attends Hamilton High School in the special education classes. She is short with dark brown hair making her not that noticeable but if you get a chance to meet her you will see that she makes quite an impact on everyone who crosses her path and that she spends every waking
Symptoms of down syndrome are the following Flat facial features, Small head, Short neck, Protruding tongue, Upward slanting eyes, that is unusual for the child's ethnic group, Unusually shaped or small ears, Poor muscle tone. Broad, short hands with a single crease in the palm, Relatively short fingers and small hands and feet, Excessive flexibility. Tiny white spots on the colored part or the iris of the eye called Brushfield spots, Short height. Infants and children with down syndrome may be average size at birth , but typically they grow slower and remain shorter than other children the same age. In general, developmental milestones, such as sitting, crawling or walking may occur at about twice the age of child without impairment. People with down syndrome also suffer from cognitive delays. People affected by down syndrome varies greatly, it can happen to anyone, although more common in pregnant mothers 35 years or older. the cause of down syndrome is due to having an extra chromosome, therefore it is a disorder that happens 99% randomly and only 1% genetically. Unfortunately there is no cure, treatment or prevention for down syndrome as of today, but scientists are continuing to research for a cure. People with Down Syndrome live healthy, active lives and can function in an everyday environment.
People who are born with Down syndrome go through life treated differently. Growing people with Down syndrome are teased in school because of the way they are. This causes the already their already hard life to be even more difficult. Because they don’t have the fully capacities that others have they have to struggle and go through life differently than the rest of the people. People born with Down syndrome are limited to what they can achieve in life and they are also limited to what they can be in life. Such inequality is not just, should we not try to create a better place where everyone is treated fair and equally.
Health concerns remain a stressor for parents of children with Down syndrome throughout the ages. Solomon (2012) found that as adults most children with Down syndrome still lived at home with their parents as caretakers or lived in a group home. As adults, these children with Down syndrome were successful and happy, however, through the interventions and therapies were these children trajectories for success. One of the problems with Down syndrome is that if affects cognition, which influences language. Communication can be difficult for a child with Down syndrome; he or she might feel alone and misunderstood by his or her parents. It can be frustrating for parents as well unable to communicate with their child.
Consequently, many tantrums are thrown when he does not get what he wants and it is hard for him to understand that people do not always get what they want. When we were younger, I was able to understand what he wanted and communicate that to my parents when they did not comprehend what he was expressing. Growing up with him has enhanced my communication skills because I am able to notice the nonverbal actions that many people overlook. Having a brother with Asperger’s syndrome caused me to mature at a younger age and be a role model to him. We are just two years apart and I was the first one to get a job and learn how to drive a car. He saw the luxuries that I was able to have and wanted the same. I had a job opening at my work so I had him fill out an application and he was hired. It was ideal for us to work at the same job because I am able to give him assistance and pick up his slack for he is a slow worker. Although he does make family life harder, I would not have developed into the person I am today without him. I am thankful that I have a hidden blessing in my family that has opened my eyes to recognize the diversity among