
Brief Summary: The Bloody Diamond

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Imagine being a pirate. You haven’t had a bath for months from being out on the vast sea. You and the crew raid ships carrying rum, tobacco, food, and diamonds. You get into deadly battles with other ships. This is the life of the crewmen sailing on the Bloody Diamond along with their captain, the fiercest female pirate of them all, Syrena.

The Bloody Diamond set sail to Spain across the vast ocean. Her captain, Syrena, was one of the fiercest female pirates in history. Syrena and her crew were infamous amongst the sailors and merchants for their combat and raiding skills. Their ship was filled with divergent types of riches from gold, silver, and bronze coins to stupendous pearls and diamonds that glisten in the sun, all of which had been earned through battle. The Bloody Diamond was in search of yet another battle, Syrena and her pirate crew armed and ready with swords, flintlock pistols, and cannon fire. If any ship was bold enough to attack, or they found a ship, the crew was ready for a fight. Syrena was below deck with her first mate, …show more content…

The Bloody Diamond had once again won another battle, but at the cost of Ned. A few months passed since the battle and no new news of the Bloody Diamond emerged. Legends and rumors soon began to spread far across the oceans and port cities. Some say that they capsized during a storm, others say the King and Queen of Spain order a Spanish armada to bring down the Bloody Diamond, and others said that the ship sank to the ocean floor. Some even said that they joined part of the undead army and prowled the oceans in the night, hunting down any ships caught off-guard. No one has or ever will know what happened to the Bloody Diamond, but it's best to be prepared nonetheless should you see the fabled pirate crew and their

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