
Breaking The Boundaries Of Deviance And Social Norms

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“Deviance is broad concept with encompassing all types of beliefs and behaviors that violate established and social norms” (GGG P.10). It is anything bad that violates the norms and rules of the society. It is kind of behaving different ways from others. It is ranging from murder to shoplifting. However, it depends how it serious and breaking the social law. There are more debates about what is considered to be deviant behavior or what is not. For example, if young man drinks in a party while rest of the people are not drinking he might violate the norm. So, what is deviant behavior in one culture may be a norm for other culture. At the same time, Durkheim was a functionalist who favor that breaking the rule is part of social structure that serve to set boundaries what are socially acceptable and what is not acceptable. Durkheim argued that anyone who across the acceptable boundaries can be punishable. According to Durkheim “In addition to Anomie, these included the notions that societies needed crime to mark and affirm their boundaries “(DCC P. 2). When it comes to function he mentioned that community needs to each other for example, Instructor needs student to teach, and we need police for our safety, driver’s needs community. It means all community are interdependent. The main idea is that if some people violate the norms and break the law there are other people who support and keep the law and not violate the norms. Examples of deviance, its …show more content…

It has a broad meaning that started from dying your hair to committing a crime like a murder. I t is problematic that divides the community some are supporting the law and order while others are confronting the community defenders like the police and other law

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