
Breaking Gender Stereotypes

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When it comes to sexual orientation, I noticed that its linked to one persons display, similar to "doing gender" (sexual orientation pg. 97). A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube that related to class discussions. There was a scene in America's next top model about a homosexual guy named Will, on the show who plays a role as a militant guy character and it bothered by another contestant model, Denzel.
Denzel wanted to break the stigma that all models are gay, and strongly feels that Will isn’t breaking the stigma. It showed it bothered him that Will’s role wasn’t masculine enough to pass as straight. He stated that his act as a militant assertive power was too homosexual and feminine. He cared about the stereotype of him being gay because a lot of men who are in …show more content…

This is a spread of homophobia and how it creates a conflict in the media.
“I don’t care if you are gay, but if you’re gay, you gotta be a man a bout it. I came here to get beat by a dude who wears heels?” Denzel was bothered of being stereotyped as gay

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