
Brazil Short Story

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Brazil-proud, hope. Twightlight was falling as sneaked through the shabby building as narrow passage way, no one could see me , that was the way I like it no one could ever see. It was the one thing I had which I could control, constantly all day I was surrounded by “rifle” names drug talk. sometimes I longed for a safe cocoon somewhere where there was no worries. But here it was constant and I excepted that, since whenever I could remember I was on my own, in the dusty red, streets violence fighting violence and not just the outlaws the government too. Rubbish was piled high in some areas a dumping ground of the upper rich. However, this was no slum. The favelas, were small corrupt pockets built up in remote jungles, no one could get out. …show more content…

There had seemed so many opportunities and Katlego but now those opportunities had been dulled there was still stored away they would never go away but they were lost for he immediate moment she knew her job was a to acquire a wealthy husband and elevate her family. Neighbours opposite and around her had proved indigenous ideas taking loans to buy toilets off the rich and providing a fee for entrance. the hot sun rose my destiny was secured i daydreamed into throw goal of my life, the things i would do , I was woken suddenly and sharply bought back to reality the remembrance of death there was no room in this society to morn for death but each one still hurt. the hot sun the constant covering in dirt it all mattered but it was ignore or die, the women next door had recently suffocated. stopped to care. but there was not time as i worked from day to dusk selling things with the little english i picked up. cost me my dinner one week like this and i would be …show more content…

we cannot get away from it. Hunger hunger that was jfrdjk feeling it still nipped him and came back to remind him of the people still int hat situation. djsjfjs remembered the worse times clearly they were times he would never forget. He realised his luck. The one in a million chance that his talent would be picked out among the thousands. Basketball that was his life, as a child his memory is glazed with hunger living the the malaria ridden huts that offered little protection colllapsing at the slightest breeze, he had worked harvesting maize off the toxic but fertile lands of the plains too hours away, when he returned home he would cook the one meal of the day shared between the family of five. his father constantly sick now from years of uncured malaria and dengi fever it was a wonder he was not dead, he younger siblings managed somehow through searching for any valuables left on the street his mother gone made through years of worrying. She did not talk anymore instead sat staring at the wall sleeping infrequently. sfgsjdh was thankful he had a job although he did not earn directly from the maize he was able to sell it at market and some of this his boss might luckily share with him. sdjhfb was an extravert however, conditions of long tiresome hours of work led him to sudden outbursts disrupting his family, and had cost him one job already. it was in these he used to play

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