
Brands Are Machines for Delivering Quality Earnings at High Margins

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"Brands are machines for delivering quality earnings at high margins" Tim Broadbent. 'Advertising Works 2000'. Although brands do not solely refer to businesses and their products or services (e.g. charities, countries, celebrities), this essay will discuss their relevance to profits with regards to business operations unless specified. Where most companies must at some point make a decision (consciously or unconsciously) whether to brand their company or not, that question is often rhetorical. Brands are established whether the marketing manager says they should or not. The decision really is whether to implement conscious brand management within the business or not. That is the difference between a strong brands and weak brands. Where …show more content…

Secondly, as is indicated by the concept of branding, strong brands are much more likely to develop relationships with their customers. Depending on the nature of the brand or the product, this could provide the firm with a sustainable, long term customer base giving the firm a sustainable, steady and predictable income. However, although the advantages of branding are numerous, it is also necessary to discuss the problems associated with. The primary one being the cost. Brand management takes huge amounts of time, expertise and skill. This may not always be available to the business. Branding involves giving the company an identity, values and something to stand for. It is impossible for this to be done over night. Branding, when done correctly involves introducing a whole culture into the organisation from everything to how the package their goods, to how they treat their employees to how they advertise. Their values and culture are what supports the brand. This can take a huge amount of time. It takes years to build up a corporate culture and to convince customers and employees and suppliers that the company values are not just fluffy window dressings for the customers but are at the very core of the businesses operations. Another major downfall of companies who brand is the business’s inability to recognise that the brand must go beyond the logo and the packaging. It must incorporate all aspects of a business. If different aspects of a business are

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