
Brand Identity : A Brand

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Brand Identity
A corporate brand is like a good soup; when properly prepared it is far more than the sum of its parts. A magnificent soup starts with wholesome ingredients, but in time those ingredients harmonize and create a cacophony of flavors. With a successful brand, a similar process occurs. A company starts off with some guidelines and a few product ideas. Then, some magical happens; the company discovers it has opinions and stands for something – it has a set of values. These values enable the company to create an avatar of beliefs; a brand. Through this brand, customers are able to learn what values they share with that company. Customers that believe in the brand integrate it into their lifestyle and let it become part of …show more content…

For a company’s brand, this personality - based upon value opportunities, is the frame work of a good brand. Branding communicates that a company and their products share the same values as its customers.
Not only do brands communicate values, they create marketplace conversations. Each brand communicates different sets of values. When consumers choose one product over its competition, they start a conversation about which values they prefer (Aaker, 2010). With the rate of technological advancements, markets are changing at alarming rates. Previously successful brands can find themselves without a voice simply because they became less relevant (Aaker, 2010). Innovative companies overcome this by creating cutting edge products that venture into previously unexplored areas of the market (Aaker, 2010). This creates a new conversation and soon, any brands that have not waded in to the new conversation by produced a competing product, stand out for a new reason – by seeming boring and irrelevant (Aaker, 2010).
One company that stood out for the right reasons, Cirque du Soleil, set a new standard for artistic performance and created a circus unlike anything the world had ever seen. From the beginning, Cirque du Soleil sought out to build a company with a clearly defined mission and strong values. Their mission was to stir imaginations, awaken the senses, and invoke emotions of people around the

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