
Brahma's Role In Hinduism

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Brahma is the first god in the Hinduism, or Hindu. The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two gods are Vishnu and Shiva.
Brahma is the creator of the world and of the gods. Brahma created all the other Gods. which is the boy half Shiva, and the girl half Gayatri. Brahma is one of the most important Gods in Hinduism. Brahma was the creator, he wanted to create the world, but he needed help so he created Shiva (the destroyer) and Vishnu (the protector). Brahma had 6 head that look every direction so he can watch everything that is happening, and no one can betray him. Brahma does not carry any weapons with him, instead he carries a water pot, a book of vedas, a spoon, a rosary and a lotus. He can destroy and create everything. Brahma was the dad of Shiva, Saraswati is brahma’s wife. Brahma is the most important God in Hinduism because if there was not him there would be no world, which the Hindu people think. …show more content…

The triumvirate consists of three gods who are responsible for the creation, upkeep and destruction of the world. The other two gods are Brahma and Shiva. Brahma is the creator of the universe and Shiva is the destroyer.
Vishnu is known as the protector of the world, Vishnu is one of the most important God in Hinduism, Vishnu was created by Brahma to protect the things that Shiva try to destroy. Vishnu is the protect all the people and creatures in the world, and to restore orders to the world. His presence is found in every object and force in the world and some Hindus recognize him as the center from which all things come. Vishnu is to keep orders for the world to have justice. Vishnu has the power to reborn something, for explain when Shiva destroy something Vishun can bring it back. Vishnu has a mace which means mental

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