
Bp Case Study Nursing

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Relating to the identified issues for Philip, as a nurse, it is very crucial and essential to take effectual nursing interventions to treat the current health concerns. So, before implementing any action, it is mandatory for a team and me to specify when and what intervention I want. In Philip’s case, it is necessary to target his low blood pressure at first place. If the blood pressure remains low, this could lead to other complications. Currently, it is important to administer bolus of fluid (e.g. 0.9% normal saline). I want to improve his haemodynamic state i.e. want his BP within normal limit and urine output back to normal over the next hour. In order to take action on established goals; as nursing professional, I will make sure that patient is comfortable and I will also repeat observations such BP, HR. …show more content…

Likewise, we may need dietician participation to improve nutritional status. It is necessary to meet his nutritional need to recover his present health condition. Therefore, I will ring the dietician to review him and request to start his feed considering his present health status. To establish goals and take action for pain management is also vital. As an immediate action, I will administer charted PRN analgesics as per order. But, for long-term goal during his hospital stay, I will request the doctor to chart strong PCA medication. Further, I will encourage him to remind me whenever he feels thirsty because I will administer bolus of fluid through nasogastric tube to keep him

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