
Boundless Management, Why Study Organizational Theory

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Organization is a vast part of what managers do daily, this could consist of rearranging the workspace or hiring and delegating tasks of employees. According to Boundless Management, organizational theory and behaviors involve aspects like leading, building teams of employees and staff members, and motivating and maintaining morale. As well as, work fulfillment and making decisions as a manager. (Boundless Management, Why Study Organizational Theory, n.d., p. para. 4). Additionally, managers abreast of organizational theory improve the company by utilizing the information and forming decisions that resolve difficult issues. Correspondingly, capitalizing on output and production, as well as prove to the investors that goals can be completed and exceeded. This allows Biotech Health and Life, Inc to take advantage of growing and increasing production, therefore becoming a more successful business. (Boundless Management, Why Study Organizational Theory, n.d., pp. para. 6, 7). …show more content…

There are six main areas that need attention in the organizational process, yet each area requires innovativeness both quickly and strategically. Boundless Management considers innovation as changes in processes. For instance, with strategic innovation, the method or technique in which work is completed is changed. (Boundless Management, Adapting and Innovating, n.d., p. par 14). Meanwhile, handling innovation and organizing the production floor must happen quickly as earnings are directly related to the speediness of innovation. (Boundless Management, Adapting and Innovating, n.d., p. para.

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