
Book Review: A Sand County Almanac

Decent Essays

A Sand County Almanac is a book comprised of a few essays for each month of the year. • January Thaw describes the close of winter through a few signs: the melting of the snow, the wake-up of the hibernating skunk, the grieving of the mouse over his flooded tunnels, bundles of rabbit hair and their newfound “freedom from want and fear”. • February - Good Oak, tells the local history of conservation through the sawing of a fallen oak tree, starting with the most recent events to the moment the tree appeared. • March - The Geese Return, marks the dawning of spring through the arrival of flocks of geese, describing their behavior and preferences. • April - Come High Water describes the spring floods and their significance to man and animals and the perfect solitude brought by being marooned by spring floods. • MAY - Back from the Argentine tells the story of once flourishing upland plover as “immemorial timepiece” of Wisconsin farms. • JUNE - Alder Fork A Fishing Idyl describes what it takes to fish trout through alder brush. What does this text mean to me? Leopold has a great love of nature, which is readily apparent. These few chapters deal with the details of often unnoticed plants and animals, all the little things that, in our ignorance, we have left out of our managed land. My favorite …show more content…

These essays are delights and dilemmas of one who cannot” (xvii). This quote is the first line of the book. His saying there’s two types of people and he says which he is. Telling us he is of the ones who cannot live without wild things we can assume this viewpoint will be present throughout the book. Leopold’s 120-acre farm was, you could say, “farmed-out.” Abandoned years before Leopold because of the poor soil from which the "sand counties" took their nickname. To his farm and the rest of the “sand counties Leopold says, "that we try to rebuild, with shovel and axe, what we are losing

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