
My Ántonia Season Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout My Ántonia, by Willa Cather, the change of seasons is often mentioned and represents the hardships and beauties of the world. The summer and spring are examples of the beauties in the world since the citizens are able to work due to the long days. The spring is almost as important as the summer since it is the time of year when farmers begin to farm again after the winter. But, the winter is unforgiving. During the winter all of citizens are hiding in their nice warm houses trying to avoid the harsh cold. Due to the citizens’ perseverance and hard work their town is able to thrive.
The Winter is the opposite of summer, during the winter not only does the winter change but the town's appearance. The houses that once looked artificial were exposed and looked abandoned. “Winter comes down savagely over a little town on the prairie...The roofs, that looked so far away across the green treetops...they are so much more uglier then when their angles were softened by vines and …show more content…

Harling and Tony break the ground and plant the garden…”(94). The winter killed the vines and green treetops that were covering the houses, and during the spring the land is rebuilding itself back up. With the cold weather gone a new energy came in the form of dancers. The dancers movement is attractive similar to the transition of winter to spring. “All the young men felt the attraction of the fine, well-set-up country girls who had come to town to earn their living…”(96). The energy that the dancers brought to black hawk was beneficial to the town, it motivated the citizens to do their work well before it was time to dance. The dancing also gave Ántonia a new type of energy that everyone but the Harlings liked. But, after the spring comes the hot summer which all the citizens look forward to because they are able to go outside, and wear their new

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