
Body Camera Essay

Good Essays

Robert Goodell
November 20, 2016
Dr. Martin
Body Camera Research Project

The issue of wearing body camera’s with police officers in the United States is currently a controversial topic and requires further analysis. In current events, such as the killings of minority men Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by the police; have the public up in arms. Incidents such as these only drive the debate more and more on why police officers should be required to wear body cameras. Many police officers however do not feel they need to wear them and feel it might impair their ability to do their job efficiently. The public on the other hand wants transparency when it comes to the police and wearing body cameras is one means of doing so. In the following …show more content…

Evidence from a study done by police in California states, “Rialto, Calif., performed an in-depth experiment when it first started using the cameras, randomly assigning officers to use cameras or not on each shift. In the first year, it found that officers who wore cameras were half as likely to use force and more than 90% less likely to be the subject of a complaint.”(Ebi 1). The statistics are overwhelming across the board on the departments that use body cameras, showing that all of them showed significant declines in bother likely use of force and amount of complaints. The significance of this evidence is huge due to the fact these cameras are having a positive effect on the encounter between them and a citizen. The idea that your conduct is constantly in check when handling a situation clearly has an impact on how officers are going about situations. Rialtos Police chief speaks to how it is putting everyone on their best behavior and positively effecting conduct in the field (Ebi …show more content…

It is an ongoing process and a learning one at that, so it’s important to be patient. I do believe it is a step in the right direction for officers to be required to wear body cameras because as we can see from the statistics it only improves there conduct out in the field. I understand there is issues with the cameras and disclosure of the footage, but eliminating the whole idea for those reasons just seems redundant. If wearing these cameras is going to hold police officers to the standards they should be held to then so be it. I feel people have the idea the police are somehow above the law, but when it comes to their conduct always being in check that might change people’s perception. Anything that can be done to strengthen the bond between people and law enforcement should be done. Implementing body cameras in law enforcement across the United States, I believe the positives that come from them will far outweigh the negatives. Nothing in the justice system is perfect and when it comes to using these cameras I believe it will help to justify decisions being made by police officers across the United States. Having some sort of visual evidence from these encounters is only going to help serve the people the justice that they

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