
Blooms Taxonomy

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Implementing Bloom’s Taxonomy into instructional planning in lieu of high-stakes standardized testing can build students’ cognitive development Theory can inform and guide practice to allow individuals to strengthen and/or reinforce certain areas of study. With the case of high-stakes standardized tests, students are being taught at lower levels of cognition, thus impacting their cognitive development for application in furthering education and career readiness. Given that education plays a significant role in social status and economic prosperity, school should prepare students with skills to be able to prosper and become successful. This paper will discuss how Bloom’s Taxonomy can inform educational practice to enhance higher order cognition …show more content…

The sad truth is that if teachers do not reinforce the higher level cognitive skills required for students to succeed, they are robbing students of opportunity and a quality meaningful education. Teachers have a lot of control in the way they disseminate knowledge; they can choose to effectively and strategically plan at higher levels of cognition, or to enforce lower levels of cognition. Whichever route they choose, students are the ones who bear the burden of the quality of education they receive, and this ultimately impacts their cognitive development. If teachers use Bloom’s taxonomy as a framework to plan and instruct their lessons to incorporate high levels of cognitive skills, students will be able to take in knowledge at deeper learning levels, analyze and synthesize information, and think critically – these are skill sets that students can use and build on throughout their lives; they are essential 21st century requirements for success and a mark of …show more content…

Education is an essential indicator of success in the 21st century, students need to be acquiring skills that prepare them for the demands of the real world. Despite the mandating of high-stakes standardized tests, teachers can align their goals with higher order thinking to develop students’ cognition, problem solving abilities, and critical thinking initiatives. Cognitive development is a crucial element of a student’s success, which can be enhanced through metacognitive awareness. Implementation of Bloom’s taxonomy into instructional planning can guide educational practice such that students develop a range of cognitive skills. Essentially, the main goal of education is to prepare students for success in the real

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