
Blindly Life And Chris Mccandless

Decent Essays

Castles and Dreams
Have you ever woken up from a perfect dream and wished that it was for real? We have all experienced this at least once in our lifetime. Reality is, most of us live our lives day to day dreaming of ‘what if’ and never finding the courage, determination and strength to fulfill that dream. Chris McCandless once wrote “It is important in life not to be strong, but to feel strong, to measure yourself at least once. If you want something in life, reach out and grab it.” The mind is powerful; nevertheless, everyone is capable of achieving their goals and dreams, all that is required is confidence and resolution to reach out and seize the moment. Famed poet and naturalist Henry David Thoreau suggests that men follow blindly …show more content…

Chris, on the other hand, defies with open eyes the games and amusements of mankind with his rebellious dignity. For example, when Chris was in third grade he scored extremely high on a standard achievement test, which placed him in an accelerated program at school for gifted students. He despised being in the program mainly because it required additional homework and so he desperately fought his way out. Chris was different than most kids his age, he was complex and puzzling and looked at life differently. He took life’s inequalities to heart and was obsessed with racial oppression and wanted to make a difference by helping; however, he didn’t like going through channels, and working within the system. He would often wander the streets feeding and talking with the homeless and prostitutes, trying to suggest ways that they could improve and change their lives. His parents were adamant about his college education and that it would help him obtain a career, but he thought that careers were patronizing “twentieth-century inventions,” that were more of a burden than a benefit. Chris wanted to make a difference in this world and he realized that going to college would give him the leverage he needed to help those who were less fortunate; furthermore, he had a heart and was well aware of man’s faults and morals yet choose not to follow but to forgive, except when he discovered that his father had been deceitful about having another family, Chris was incapable of extending forgiveness and became silent, withdrawn and angry at his parents. As his resentment and anger grew, Chris became rebellious and anti-social which fueled his desire to escape to the

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