
Chris Mccandless's Identity In Into The Wild By Jon Krakauer

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Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer is a biography about the life of Christopher Johnson McCandless. Christopher McCandless hitchhiked to Alaska alone in April 1992. He burned any knowns of his identity including all his money and abandoned his car. He did not prepare at all for his trek and was found dead four months after he had disappeared in a bus he was staying in. Chris McCandless constructs identity through his actions, interests, values and beliefs.
Chris McCandless constructs identity through his actions during his life journey. In April 1992 Chris disappears into Alaska and tries to live in nature without any preparation and when his body is found no one knows who he is (Krakauer 7, 14). This action contributes to his identity because …show more content…

Chris McCandless did a lot of reading from books by Leo Tolstoy and Jack London. Most of the passages that he saved were about how the existence of a human being was to have excitement and danger (Tolstoy quoted in Krakauer 15). Chris McCandless’ interest in Leo Tolstoy and Jack London formed his identity because he wanted excitement and danger in his life with lots of energy. However, some might say that books don’t have a toll on their identity at all unlike McCandless. Chris McCandless was willing to do work for Wayne Westerberg, who owned a grain elevator, because he was a man that was hardworking and had picked up Chris while he was hitchhiking. Chris would go with him and his crew to work for the three days that he stayed (Krakauer 16-17). Chris’ interest in Wayne Westerberg contributed to his identity because he became a hardworking man when he met Wayne and he contributed to that part of his identity. Chris also kept in touch with him while he was on his journey. When Chris was in Carthage he would always work hard and do the jobs that other people would not want to tackle. Chris felt that Carthage was home to him and went back there in Spring (Krakauer 62-63). Carthage relates to Chris´ identity because he felt as if Carthage was his home even though his home was in Maryland with his parents. He felt more connected to the prairies in Carthage, then to the cities in Maryland. …show more content…

In 1990 Chris graduated from Emory University with a 3.7 GPA and had a degree in anthropology. He was and honors student at Emory University (Krakauer 20). This relates to his identity because Chris believes that education was key for him as a child and it is an important part in your life journey to receive a degree. However, some might say that Chris did not use his degree at all and is not wise for making that decision instead of getting a job based on his degree. Chris takes many adventures when he is on his journey such as when he goes kayaking in Mexico. Chris loves the outdoors and thought his bond with nature was strong (Krakauer 32-35). His adventures contribute to his identity because he believes that he should be at peace with nature and be able to live in the outdoors. However, some might say that he is a hypocrite because while in Alaska he killed a Moose (Krakauer 166). When Chris leaves his family he wants to go into Alaska and live a life of his own. All of his other stops are part of his journey as well. He goes into Mexico, The Detrital Wash, and he goes to Carthage (Krakauer 32, 62, 28-29). All of these actions contribute to his belief in independence. Chris believes that he should be able to live life how he wants and values his independence greatly throughout the book. Chris McCandless constructs identity along his journey through his values and

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