
Black Panthers Research Paper

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During this research experiment, I researched the Black Panthers by looking into four different resources and outlets of the press during 1968. I learned that the press played a huge role when it came to the existence of the Black Panthers and their publicity. Much of the Black Panthers’ fame came from the press that shared their stories and helped to gain support from the American people. The paper was different in 1968 in the way that everything was formatted to target a certain audience since, at the time, people were faced with heavy discrimination. However, I feel like the newspapers now are a little bit more diverse, though they do have some similarities to the newspapers of the past. The articles were easy to find because they were …show more content…

In the chapter that we read, the author described the role that the press and media played on the Black Panthers’ existence. At first, the press portrayed the Black Panthers as a very violent group of people who were being disruptive in the communities. However, after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Hutton, the press shifted the way they talked about the Panthers in a way that helped the White American community understand what the Black Panthers were about. They weren’t just people with rifles who wanted revenge against law enforcement; they wanted real change. This book was more interesting to read because of the way that the author presented the arguments she made. I don’t feel like she was biased towards or against the Black Panthers. In addition, she had more in depth information and analysis of the newspapers and how they portrayed the Black Panthers. The Oakland Tribune had an important role when it came to framing the Black Panthers. A good example of this is by portraying them as “just another black criminal." (Rhodes 118). By calling someone a criminal, people usually start to have a negative opinion towards the person it was directed to. The way that many of the newspapers worded their articles made the Black Panthers seem dangerous. This is a direct influence to the way people portrayed the Black Panthers. The book was my favorite source to get …show more content…

I looked at the article, “Panthers Try to Reach all Black People” published in the Bay State Banner which is a newspaper geared towards the interests of the African-American community. This article in the newspaper was very informative in the programs the Black Panthers established which consisted of sixteen community projects. The author focused on the youths and how they were attracted to the Black Panther Party because of all the projects they did within the community. The article was a good starting point into what I want to research in the final unit. During this whole process, I learned so much about the Black Panthers. While learning about the Black Panthers, I found an interest in the community programs that they ran, which is what I will be doing further research on in the last unit. I learned how newspapers, books, and internet sites present their information about a certain topic and how in depth each outlet goes into their information. Now, when doing research, I know what outlet to use when I need either broad or specific

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