
Historical Events In An Unbiased Way

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When researching my paper, it was difficult to find historical events in an unbiased way. Both of my historians and four out of six of my books were written by prior Black Panther members. When reading my books all of the them were written by former members constantly uplifted the ideas that the Panthers had. They would talk about all the good that the Panthers did, occasionally talking about the negatives but always having a reason for doing so. David Hilliard was the author for most of my books and was a proud member, who looked up to Newton and Seale. His history with Newton and their close relationship with each other helped give a better insight on who the founder of the Panthers was. It also was helpful that he was a part of the group, giving me helpful information from a first person point of view. …show more content…

It was hard to find viewpoints from non-African American individuals. Anyone who was of white ethnicity that I found was not certified historians, only people who viewed the Panthers in a very racial viewpoint. The papers that I did read by white individuals was very racists and consisted of harsh insults towards the group.
It was also unclear on who actually controlled what historical events that went on were significant or not. Most newspaper articles at that time mainly focused on the violence and riots that the group was a part of, but in most of my book resources the Panthers either described in their perspective what was more important or how certain events actually happened. Hilliard and Newton continuously praised the Panthers on their activities, ranging from feeding children to getting into aggressive battles with the police. Some articles did focus on the good the Panthers were doing, but others would use yellow journalism to create a more violent profile for

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