
Black Identity Essay

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In class we have discussed how the black identity is expanding and changing with the times. We discuss the family dynamic in the black community, along with dealing with political discourse, racism, and popular cultural. An important question I face is how does living in this society today affect ourselves, and our black identity? With the circus that is now our new government what steps do the black community have to take in order to rise above this new wave of oppression looming over our communities and how can we learn and advance based off the history that came before and how can we rise to a higher form of self and strengthen each other.
In this paper I will go over material I found the most interesting and memorable. These topics stuck out most for me and left me long afterward thinking about the points and topics by authors we discussed. Thanks to the works of Paul Gilroy, the collections of essays in Michele Wallace’s Black Popular I have formed a basic understanding of the black identity along with other social ideas and how they affected other free thinkers, and social activist into changing the way African American people act within their own community and how those outside of the environment view us.

In class we have briefly talked about the economic side of the black community and how there is little resources to those in low income neighborhoods, which means they lack proper health care, education, and services such as police. In the book Black Popular

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